My perception of modern empires.steemCreated with Sketch.

in #blog7 years ago

Before you read this I want to mention that this is only a perception
based on the information I currently have access too.
So take some things with a grain of salt.

To me the 3 modern empires to this date are
The USA, Russia, and China.
These 3 countries have the biggest
and most expansive ambitions.
You could, add the European Union to that as well.

Their main focus seems to be, dominate, impress "mostly military" and to expand
through puppet states, intimidation etc.

The USA is trying to hold their power and hegemony by expanding their bases around the world and into the middle-east, committing many war crimes.

Russia seems to want to keep or expand its influence in neighboring countries by creating the Eurasian Union in which I think Russia will always be the head of. But up until now, it seems more like Putin is just trying to hold on to its bases.

China seems to just want to become dominant militarily and economically because they seem to desire high status. That might be the case with all nations actually. Anyway, they seem to be very focused on expanding their military. And they want to compete with the USA in Africa and the Middle East through their newly created PetroYuan

I am not sure how I feel about that, because if the PetroYuan would replace the PetroDollar eventually what would the difference be? What if one of these other countries becomes the new number one superpower. I'd think it is likely they would try to expand and hold on to their power through proxy's just as much as the USA does.

To me all 3 of them are corrupt and all countries around them are screwed over by their ambition to expand and dominate. When they brag about themselves, they often brag about their military, and similar achievements.
They all seem to have no problem breaking international law, while at the same time accusing each other of doing it.

I think what a great empire should be able to brag about instead is the size of their middle class and the good living circumstances within their borders instead, which seems to be dropping in all of them. Actually, I think they are on the rise in China.

It feels like their leaders have these ambitions because they want to mimic the greatness of historical empires and rulers. Sadly they seem to rather want to mimic people like Julius Ceasar instead of people like Marcus Aurelius.
Granted great militaries are needed to protect us from certain countries we can not trust at all not to invade us if we are defenseless. Rome also needed its military to defend their Pax Romana. But the current biggest powers, China, The USA and Russia don't have any real reason to attack each other, except for that they don't trust each other. But they still seem to look for reasons to attack and expand though.

So which empire would be the best one to me?
That would be the one that has the freest, peaceful, healthy and prospering peoples, that does not intimidate, steals or bombs other countries into submission.
Thing is, I really think these 3 nations have the potential to truly help themselves and each other people grow.
I am aware that right now I'm describing ideals that aren't shared by everyone and maybe not realistically achievable, but I wanted to share them and think about it anyway because I think humanity has the potential to achieve this state wherein wars and sickness will be almost extinct.


I always saw modern empires as being a degenerate forms of imperialism or a kind of corporate and political colonization. That is to say, that because of modern global politics a country can no longer justifiably invade, loot, and colonize another in the way they once could. Instead, they exert influence in order to create friendly environments for their business and political interests. This works fine for the imperial governments and the large corporations but does nothing to benefit the citizens of those empires which is why I view as a bastardized form of imperialism.

I don't support imperialism but I feel like if we have to be a citizen of one of these empires then we should at least receive the benefit of that imperialism. I would rather the stolen treasure go to build roads and museums the hungry instead of enriching the already wealthy but our system doesn't allow that.

Yes exactly. Imagine if they would combine their powers and actually work in the interest of the peoples.
It could improve worldwide, not just within the empires borders.

I like this post, my friend, and I will say that it's that's cool

I follow your train of thought... Dominance is the word and that is the driving force for everybody. It's a natural human instinct to want to dominate