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RE: Prayers are not enough - Re: the Acceleration of Violent White Nationalism in the United States

in #blog5 years ago

First of all, thanks for writing this post, as I agree, we need to keep talking about the issues (ALL the issues) underlying these types of events. However, I believe "keeping the dialog going" is just about as effective against shooters as light, love, and prayers. They're all important, but none of them can stand up to armed individuals with a strong belief.

On the other hand, some of the things you mentioned that seem like they might stand up, meaning censorship and gun control I am completely against myself. Slowing them down by blocking 8chan, or making the manifesto unavailable (like they did in NZ) is not just hypocrisy, it is ineffective, and I would even go as far as saying counterproductive.

Fact is, though, that white supremacists, are there and they are not going to go away, lay down their guns, and give up on their agenda, quite similarly to extremist jihadist, or the Mara Salvatrucha. Now what got them here in the first place is a super interesting subject, and I believe you are absolutely right mentioning European colonialism, but I'd say that's just a sliver of the whole story. Rampant overpopulation, exploitation of resources, and emerging culture of control world wide has just as much to do with it. Oh, I forgot to mention environmental degradation and the global finance system. So in a way, Nazis, Jews, Muslims, and the Japanese are equally victims and perpetrators.

Finally, I wanna mention mental instability. I see it as a convenient way to explain away a problem. It seems like American mass shooters are all declared crazy, just as European subway pushers and knife stabbers. Well, if you ask me, they're probably all crazy! But so am I (and I don't want to presumptuously include you too by saying "we all are"), even though I don't go out killing people. However, just like most of us are likely to snap if we're forced into a corner. It's just natural. And in a way, it seems to me that globally we are all being forced into some type of corner or another. So I think it's just a matter of time before people start snapping by the dozens, hundreds, etc. And each of them for their own personal reason, which at the same time is a great global reason we are all part of. I believe civil war is inevitable, as much as I would like to avoid it. And I would be a fool to assume others haven't realized this themselves. Unlike me, who's merely trying to avoid it (until it's too late), they are getting prepared for it.


but I'd say that's just a sliver of the whole story. Rampant overpopulation, exploitation of resources, and emerging culture of control world wide has just as much to do with it. Oh, I forgot to mention environmental degradation and the global finance system.

Spot on here. Actually in the manifestos I read they all brought this up. I couldn't cover it all in the article and didn't want to delve into this side of the complexity, but it was clear that they are also fighting for these issues. That's why I said above that also this is not a bipartisan issue, it is a racial issue and as you bring up all of these issues as well, which are systemic and entrenched in our culture.

And in a way, it seems to me that globally we are all being forced into some type of corner or another. So I think it's just a matter of time before people start snapping by the dozens, hundreds, etc. And each of them for their own personal reason, which at the same time is a great global reason we are all part of.

Definitely. Yet as you say, we aren't going around with guns. I think my "snapping" has led to my total loss of trust in any American systems which is why I try to live as self & community sustaining life as possible. However, make no mistake, the rhetoric and purpose behind these shootings - very explicitly laid out in the manifestos I read - is also very Pro-White, Anti-"everyone else taking over this country" - this rhetoric can't be passed over as I believe it's heavily fueling a lot of these activities as well. That's where there's obviously a huge difference between "the breaking points".

If there is a Civil War or groups doing guerilla warfare in the United States, I doubt they'd be unified groups (all the different people snapping) because how can anyone non-white ally with someone who wants them dead and gone?

We also aren't getting prepared for a violent civil war, just an economic, structural, food and other basic need systems collapse.

Thanks for your reply (and for not taking offense at my words)!

I haven't read any of the manifestos, either of the Christchurch shooter or this most recent one. There is, however, one terrorist's manifesto I consider to be part of the basic reading list of environmentalism. It's Industrial Society and its Future by Ted Kaczynski. And yes, he mentions all of these things, and more. Yet, I wouldn't say he is anywhere close to being a white supremacist. On the other hand, there is no reason why white supremacists should not go through the same reasoning process, only to arrive at their own conclusions.
Now, I may be completely off here, since I really have no interest in following the news on the regular mass-shootings in the US, but it seems to me that most didn't even have a manifesto. The ones who did, had something about their teenage angst, or sexual frustration. As I said, I can't back this up by any facts, it's just my impression. So while I agree that white supremacists are real and present, I don't think they are as formidable as your post makes them seem like. But please throw some facts at me, to correct me if I'm wrong.

Regarding going around with guns, civil war, and militias: Could you imagine the reaction of the state if these kinds of things keep happening (especially before election time next year)? I'd say increased police presence, militarized law enforcement, and a perpetual marshal law-like state (if not fully declared marshal law) seem very likely. Obviously, the far right is going to respond to it in its own way. As a result non-white people, and whites with different opinions will be the target. So why would these people not organize themselves into militias too? After all, the US still gives everyone the right to arm and organize themselves to ensure their protection, including from the state, if necessary. Sure, not everyone is going to want to fight, but I doubt people would willingly be put on trains en mase without resisting. In return, this will provoke even more backlash from the state, pouring even more fuel over the fire. So I don't think a civil war would be like the last one, the USA vs the CSA. It would resemble more like something we saw in Bosnia a few decades ago.
Finally, I believe food shortages and violence feed into each other, even without any underlying political, religious, or racial tensions. So preparing for one, necessitates the other.

yes i think many of these people are inspired by ted kaczynski's words indeed. i also hear ya on that cultural trope of a depressed, sexually starved white guy.. none of these current ones, as far as i can tell, are going along with that narrative. but what i do find is similar is that if any brown muslim person does anything it's immediately terrorism, terrorism! outcry in the news media.. whereas even when this string of related white supremacist terrorism mass murders happens (with manifestos to prove their motives), we never use the word terrorism. i think we need to re-define the word terrorism, and as i've been reading, there isn't currently any protocol for domestic terrorism for the FBI or anyone to follow, so those legal practical measures need to be created, too, for this uprising.

Regarding going around with guns, civil war, and militias: Could you imagine the reaction of the state if these kinds of things keep happening (especially before election time next year)?

no, i couldn't!
i hear what you're saying. i wouldn't allow anyone to put me on a train and i also do feel that the far alt-right is very very very armed... which is quite scary because many of us aren't equipped for that kind of scenario. i agree with your predictions, but i just can't get myself to "arm up." i do know some people who are into that, but, even with this potentials floating in the air, i'm not sure that i would want to live in a world that is basically a guerrilla war-zone... my thoughts!