Daily Dose of Sultnpapper 01/22/18 > "Sorry we're closed." .... try travelling 1200 miles to hear that and more inside.
Some good friends of mine are in New York on a little get away vacation, they are a younger couple and have a young toddler that will turn two shortly. This trip is for the parents only; the little darling is staying with Grandma & Pappa, where she is more than comfortable. The highlight of the trip was to go visit the Statue of Liberty, they flew out of Texas on Friday afternoon and will be in New York for five days. Needless to say, my friends are not happy right now with the US Federal government; long lines at the airport TSA security check almost caused them to miss their flight.
Their plan for Saturday was to go to Ellis Island and tour the statue except there was just one slight problem, the statue is under the control of the fed’s and the parks employees are “non-essential” so the word I got from them was the statue was closed, and will not re-open until the government shutdown is ended. Talk about bad luck, they had been planning this trip for quite a while, and didn’t even have a clue that this could happen.
I may have to suggest that they send the elected officials from Texas that are a part of this government shutdown a bill for ruining their vacation. Those same elected officials have funds to pay off the women, who have claimed sexual misconduct against them, I’m sure they can find some cash to make my friends whole on their loss. The bill will be nowhere near the $67,000 one elected Texas official paid to keep quiet one of his women accusers.
Enough with politics, I reluctantly talk politics every now and then, but it isn’t my favorite subject by any means. When I do talk politics, you will find me on the side of Texas becoming its own independent nation again, abolishing codes and statutes and returning common law as the law of the land. I really think that those things scare people, Americans talk about freedom & liberty but we have never in our lives ever experienced it, we just continue to live the lie and tell ourselves everything is okay.
How many of you have checked out the Steem Block Explorer website? Seriously, what are you waiting on?
The little fury guy named @penguinpablo has come up with quite a few different add-ons to make this steemit experience better and his latest one is steemblockexplorer.com , it is up to the second information taken from the block chain. It will give you all the information on your username or anyone else for that matter, so if you really want to know what is going on I suggest you venture over there and type in your name and pull up your account.
Every time I come across something new like this I generally find a couple things that I know nothing about, this creation is no exception in that regard. I see that I have 622,800 VESTS, what in the hell is a VEST? I know someone of you can explain it to me so fire away, I am sure curious about that, I have no idea what it is.
Another thing that I do know just a smidgen about is the witness program, but at the very bottom of the page it has my list of witnesses that I voted for. The thing about that witness deal is that when I signed up on steemit part of the signup process was to vote for witnesses. I had no idea about who I was voting for or what their position was on anything as it related to the block chain and steemit. Does anyone know how often you can vote or can I go back and change my votes? You people are a lot smarter than me when it comes to this kind of stuff so let me know. I don’t want to have to spend hours and hours doing research when you are sitting there with the answers.
There are quite a bunch of features that I like, it gives you a real time look at what your voting power is and it is displayed in % format, it also tells you what your full upVote is worth at the current %, so right now I’m at 98.35% and my vote is worth $0.12, it also lets me know that in 2 hours I’ll be at 100% strength if I don’t do anymore voting between now and the 2 hours. Yes, that will be hard for me to do, you know me well.
I’ve learned that if I space my votes out my power stays up pretty well, I have also learned that if I wait and upvote right before I call it a night and head for bed, that six or seven hours used as recovery time is well spent, I haven’t mastered voting in my sleep yet.
Another thing I wasn’t aware of is that there are some different prices for steem. I guess there is an open market price, and then there is a price called internal market price. The spread between those two prices is huge, right now the spread between them is about $4.20 , I don’t know all the details of this either but my guess is if you earn your steem & SBD, you can convert it in the internal market at a lower cost than in the free market. Please remember, I am not a crypto guy, so if you know this subject speak up and set the record straight for me please.

That last part about every word and transaction was what attracted me to steemit, permanent record of everything locked in for eternity, so keep that in mind when you go to blast some idiot you have had disagreement with, the FBI and CIA along with every other alphabet soup agency is aware of this place, no way to really hide in here or change your story after seven days is my understanding.

Until next time,
Ok so you made me reasearch vests are shares(I dropped a link on discord) in the steemit company..about the witness I think you can vote for 30 witnesses but there is more information in this link also https://steemit.com/steem/@steemitguide/steemitguide-what-is-a-exactly-is-a-steem-witness-and-why-every-user-should-vote. I use steemnow.com rather then then one you use..but I will probably give it a go on steem block explorer..
I didn't mean for anyone to go research it for me but I do appreciate the work, I'll read it this evening. Thanks.
I did have a quick look at the new site you mention but then got distracted and forgot
Your post reminds me to check it out again
Into am missing the wannabe follower site I used to use it daily
I did see a post that it is migrating to a new server and should be back soon
Wannabe has been down for a while and I check daily hoping it is back in operation, I hope they add some features where you might be able to sort followers and group them for viewing. That would be something that would interest me.
I would love both of those features
It was 6 days ago there was a post about having to recovery and rebuild the background database so hopefully it will be back soon
It is up right now, but data only has 3 days of Jan.18 right now.
Ohh cool that’s good news
Ohh cool that’s good news
I think we get thirty witness votes. I have read the vests explained before, but I’m not articulate enough to explain it. I like those sites that give stats as well. I use steemd.
My big question on witness votes is how often can we vote, or go back and change our vote? If someone does explain vests I will just have to go search and read it, I don't have any clue what those are. Thanks for checking in and sharing what you had on the subject.
My understanding of vests is that it is essentially the percentage of the steem universe you own. Your Steem Power represents the amount of Steem it would take to purchase those vests. It is your share of the "company." For votes, I believe you can go back and change your votes.
Thanks I will look at it now that I have my curiosity up on these things and @lidac gave me some links to view.
If you look at right/upper corner u have a button with 3 lines... U click on it and u will see Vote for witnesses... U will see a list of top 50,but you can still vote for others, but u have to type their name... on the bottom of the list. You can vote for 30,and you can change your votes anytime,all the time.
Thanks DC, I will look at that in a little bit.
When you go to ur Wallet, click on Steemit Dollar amount, and u will see a list, one of them is Market... That's where you should Go and transfer ur SBD to Steemit... It's always the best trade... I had no idea u didn't knew this.. Even there, there is a trick, you don't have to take whatever price they give you... Delete the last 4-5 numbers and put 00000.....you will not get a trade right away... but the numbers fluctuates, and by the time u wake up, ur deal will happen...Its like in any Exchanges, u name ur price...
That seems a reasonable reaction to the shutdown actually. While I'm not US-based, it is ridiculous and it would be awesome if everyone charged the Hill for losses incurred.
Maybe a Class A-suit even.
Employees affected could also file for mental damages.
Seems reasonable from where I sit, why should only the ones who are affected financially by being furloughed be made whole for their losses? Government is always screaming and hollering about fair and right, well make it right for all who end up losing from the government officials not doing their jobs.
I might not goes as far as the mental damages, those employees know they will be paid it is just a matter of time.
What a bummer for your friends. The government is so stupid, I heard that they spend more money to close these places for this "shutdown" than if they would have just left them open. Ridiculous. I've never heard of steemblockexplorer.com. I'll have to check it out. The site I've used for that kind of stuff has been steemnow.com.
It would not surprise me one bit if they spent more on closing them than it would to keep them open, I heard that the came to an agreement so maybe they will get to see it before they come home.
you wonder why they don't mind doing it? because they dont play with their own money ,whatever happens its no concern,no repercussions, its like playing SteemPoker,you dont mind if you loose free tokens..
Exactly right , I covered that the other day , OPM / other peoples money, they love using it and have no regard for how the spend and waste it. There is always plenty more where it came from is their mentality.
Thank you as always @sultnpapper. You are right. It takes some time to get used to new writings. I think I am getting you now. You are giving us the sultnpapper of your day. It looks like the shitdowen has an end sometime soon. Sorry so many had to suffer. We are still waiting from my son's passport to be processed.
Thanks for sharing about Steem block explorer. That will come in handy some day. I really like round numbers but I like 101 better so I am going to leave this post at $1.01. Oops. It went over.
Have a great day ^-^
Well you have me figured out, I still need to read more on you. Thanks, if you like sarcasm then you will love my daily dose on 01/23/18.