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RE: Daily Dose of Sultnpapper 04/19/18 > With 30 years experience... how the little details can tell the story.

in #blog7 years ago

Sounds like you have some experience in explosives from military service? Have you spent much time on looking into any of it?
It is hard for good red blooded Americans to believe that it wasn't what we were told, if you have never seen the architects and engineers group on 911 and have time and what to know more look them up. These are the people who design these buildings, nothing inside those buildings can burn hot enough to melt steel, not even the jet fuel from the planes.
Did you know that the official government investigation by NIST, (National Institute for Safety and Testing) did not even test any of the debris for explosive residue?
Are you familiar with building seven that collapsed that day that wasn't struck by any plane? If not, just Google "building seven on 911" and watch how that building implodes, the craziest part of building seven was a BBC reporter is reporting live how building seven had collapsed, but the building is still standing and is visible over her left shoulder in the camera view, it collapsed about 20 minutes later. How does that happen?
The Pentagon is another good question, how can a big jet liner crash into there and not one single piece of debris be left from the plane? No bodies were ever recovered from that wreckage or the Shanksville, PA. crash, that just does not happen. Also a little know piece of information on the Pentagon story was that on 9/10/2001 Donald Rumsfeld announced that the Pentagon was not able to account for trillions of dollars that were missing from their books. The "plane " just happened to crash into the area that does all the accounting for the military and all the records were destroyed. But that news only got about 16 hours of life being announced on the 10th, and the next morning all hell broke lose so it never got another mention in the mainstream news media.
There are answers, the questions you have more than likely can be answered but you have to search for them. The reason your fighter jets weren't scrambled in the normal time frame was that all the jets from those bases were doing "training " out over the Atlantic that morning, and the initial requests for jets was thought to be something to do with the training exercises and it caused "confusion" so that had to be sorted out before they could respond.