Mom shaming, anyone?
Today's subject was a completely new term for me, first because I wasn't a mom so I wasn't aware that there is such a thing as feeling bad or bullied for your parenting style, and second because I thought that we overcame that silly behavior in high-school..
Boy, was I wrong!
I did tell you that you can expect more parenting. baby related yet sarcastic and learning blogs from me. It's not that I don't want to write fiction, recipes or stories, it's just the fact that having a baby changes your life completely. As a matter of fact I can't really think about other things too much.
I still love reading books, having a lonely walk with my dog, daydream about traveling, cooking when I have time. But the reality is that I don't have time to do much besides feed, change and take care of the little one. Not that I'm complaining, rather trying to warn my readers :)
Now, let's get back to our subject for today. The thought was sparked by a random woman on the street. She asked me if I was nursing, and when I (proudly) said "yes" she continued with:
"But why? Get him off as soon as you can, so that he can be more independent?"
Say what?! You heard (read) it right, independent. That was one of the unwanted advice that I mentioned in my previous blog. I stood there speechless, while she judged my choice, with no obvious reason.
Let me just put it out there, there is no independent baby. We, as a pretty smart species are VERY limited in the first few years of our life. When animals are born they have to walk almost instantly, feed, run from predators etc. Where human babies need six months just to be able to sit properly. That being said, the comment just became more and more ridiculous, the more I thought about it. It was purely shaming, trying to impose opinion or make somebody feel bad.
That got me thinking and looking back to all the comments I heard or read about, regarding parenting, especially motherhood. To make things worse, the people shaming moms were mothers themselves. Let me give you some examples, just for fun:
- Why are you wearing make-up? You should be focused only on the baby!
- Oh, you still haven't lost the baby-weight? You have to take more care of what you eat!
- He is crying so hard because you spoiled him!
- My kids never did that!
- How can you nurse in a public place?
- You shouldn't let him have a pacifier!
- Why are you letting your dog be near your baby?
Damn, looks like my kid is never going to become a real boy if you ask them :)
I can joke about it now, but then, when I was the most vulnerable, trying my best and failing, every comment I took to heart. It made me second (or third) guess my whole idea of having a kid in the first place. It looked like no matter what I did someone would have a problem with it.
I had no idea what I was doing, but it seamed that I was doing it all wrong. But somehow he continued to grow, began to smile, slept all night, gained weight. He looked like a content little boy. His smile one morning made me think that I must have done something right. Trust me, babies are not shy, when something is not right you will know, your neighbors will know..
You are doing a great job!

Hey Tamara! I'm not sure if you're much of a podcast girl, but I was listening to the Freakonomics podcast about parenting, and the data that either backs up or doesn't support various wives tales. It was super interesting and it might help give you some responses when people come and offer you "advice"...
Here is the link:
The Data-Driven Guide to Sane Parenting (Ep. 376)
If I remember correctly (I was exercising at the time) there was only really small differences between kids being breast-milk fed or bottle-fed. There was some benefits to the mother in terms of bonding, etc, but no data to really back up independence or behavior differences.
Hey @aussieninja
I'll check it out for sure! Thanks! The "sane parenting" part caught my attention :)
I'm all about letting others raising their children how ever they think it's appropriate, bottle or nursing, as long the baby is fed. But, you wouldn't believe the shame moms get on every step. It's funny to me now that I see it and rationalize it, but in the beginning it hurt A LOT!
Odličan i istinit tekst @tamacvet. U glavi mi je podatak da samo 13% žena u Srbiji doji nakon što im beba napuni šest meseci. Mada čini mi se da se stvari malo menjaju i raduje me što sam počela da viđam mame koje doje svoje bebe na javnom mestu. Ja sam dojila Milu godinu dana, dok nisam počela da radim. Sa sobom sam uvek nosila maramu za dojenje i bila sam vrlo mobilna i društvena mama. Svakako je praktičnije od nošenja dohrane i flašica. Jedino što je odvikavanje od dojenja emotivno, a i fizički, najteži period koji smo pregurali do sada.
@ladysnowhite i mi smo savladali dojenje na javnom mestu, pa konacno mozemo u duze setnje :)
Cula sam da je prekid dojenja jako teska stvar. Jel tacno da je najteze izbaciti onaj podoj pred spavanje?
Hvala ti puno na komentaru!
Nema na čemu @tamacvet :) Uh, ne znam šta bih ti rekla. Najteže je ukidanje noćnog podoja, ali tu sam ja napravila grešku što ga nisam ukinula ranije. Mada, čim sam počela da joj skidam dnevne podoje postala je nervoznija. Na cuclu nisam htela da je navikavam, tako da je u startu odbijala i flašice, što mi je pravilo dodatan problem. Podoj pred spavanje sam ostavila za kraj, tako da je bilo potrebno, čini mi se, oko desetak dana da ga kao zaboravi. Ali izgurasmo i to :D
Eh taj nocni podoj smo cini mi se vec izbacili, posto ima 3 i po meseca, klopa u 22h pa u 6h ujutru, i onda nastavi do 10 da spava :D
Videcemo kako ostalo bude islo :)
Odličan bebac, pušta mamu da piše blog:) Uzivajte @tamacvet! Mnogo brzo rastu...
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