My Honest "Review" of Pregnancy - Second Trimester

in #blog6 years ago (edited)

Hello-hello everyone! How are you all doing?

I'm back with another blog and another honest story about my journey through pregnancy. If you want you can read the first part here. It's a good and funny story that I did read it before writing this blog, thinking that it would help me to format it better, but then I realized that I forgot almost half of what was going on in that first trimester.

Not that I'm complaining, I wanted to forget that (not so pretty) part of the pregnancy, I just didn't expect that I would forget it so fast. I guess it's another way that your brain is protecting you from stress.

This time we will talk about months four, five and six of my pregnancy or the second trimester. They call it the "honeymoon of pregnancy" and it's for a good reason. Since my belly didn't really show until the end of the sixth month, pexels will help once again.



Let's divide and conquer, step by step, what was going on and how I felt about it. I did mention that many doctors thought that I'll not be able to have children and that I was mostly surprised the first trimester. That and all other symptoms of pregnancy like morning (read: all day) sickness, pain, headaches, fatigue and all other lovely things magically disappeared when I entered the second trimester.

We were planing a trip to the mountains, I was determined to enjoy it to the fullest and I almost convinced myself that I was going to overcome all. Somehow I did, I felt great!

Here are a few photos made by my very talented husband @siklosi so that you can feel great too!


Oh, not having the all day sickness was a blessing! I was able to eat everything again, but being able didn't exactly mean that I did eat everything. I'm a firm believer that "eating for two" is not a good idea and that it has nothing to do with baby's development. It's more a break for women who constantly worry about how much they eat. I decided to make it as healthy as possible and cut out most of the sugar from my diet (because to be honest, all you think about is sugar when your pregnant).

There was and still is one interesting thing about food. I didn't have weird cravings like most pregnant women do, I din't combine strange things together, but I did notice one thing. If I saw some food, on the TV or someone eating it I HAD TO HAVE IT. I tried to ignore it for days at the time, but all I could think about is the food I saw. Sounds funny, but chocolate doughnut haunted me! And then I ate it :)




I didn't "look" pregnant until late sixth month, no belly to show only feeling a bit bloated, like you have a "burger baby". But it's not called the "honeymoon" period for no reason, I actually felt amazing! Finally, after all the torment I had to endure during my first three months it was time for me to relax and enjoy it for a while.

As I said, there was no belly and that meant I could still wear all my pre-pregnancy clothes, go out for long walks since I wasn't as tired as before and I could eat without being sick all the time. I loved it!

And there is one very special thing related to your body, you will feel the baby kicking for the first time! Now.. let me be honest, it was not what I expected at all. I thought it was some beautiful feeling of having another life in you and all that wrapped in bow, but the truth is that you will barely notice it at first. Something more like a flutter then a kick. By the time it gets stronger it's not a very pleasant feeling, for me at least, more like a little alien trying to get out. You will learn to love it, even when it makes you pee for the third time that night.

Some symptoms that may occur are: fatigue, constipation, sore breasts, stretch-marks, gastric problems and more. I had non of them, I'm lucky I guess!


This was by far the hardest thing for me to cope with in the first trimester. I was unable to concentrate and have normal conversations. Luckily for me that also gradually subsided as my pregnancy progressed. I played games with words and did a lot of cross-puzzles and sudoku, and I'm convinced that that helped me a lot.

It's not unusual that pregnant women have a lack of concentration during and after pregnancy, but I was so bothered by it that I tried everything I knew to make it better. Reading books, walking, listening to music, writing and playing mind engaging games was the perfect solution for me.



Plus sides of this trimester

  • You get to know the gender (you can guess in comments)
  • You will feel the first kick
  • You get to buy things for the baby
  • You feel amazing, full of energy and optimistic
  • Finally you will glow from within

Final thoughts

This was a beautiful time for me and my hubby. I honestly enjoyed it as much as I could!

A big disclaimer: This was my own experience, not a bad one but honest one! I would have preferred that someone said those things to me so that I wouldn't feel almost guilty for not enjoying my pregnancy more.

At the end of the day it's a BEAUTIFUL thing and be sure to follow for more information on gender, check up's and brutal honesty!

With love,


I'm amazed you've had so many votes and no comments!
Second trimester is amazing! Even if you do have some of the side-effects of pregnancy - nearly anything that can be suffered from any illness can be a side-effect of pregnancy after all! But definitely feeling movement is the BEST.

For my first two (boys), I didn't find out the gender until they were born. After that, I wanted to see what they saw - and also wanted any potential feelings of disappointment (another two boys) to be gone before the baby was born.

Well, thank you so much for leaving a comment, I love reading them!
You have four boys?! Amazing!

I'm still enjoying my pregnancy, even though my belly is getting bigger and uncomfortable. Everything is better than those first three months!

I was lucky - very little sickness, even when I changed the menu and had two girls (Yes, I have six in all.) I had other problems though - largely a hip that has still never recovered from having babies. But that pain is worth it. I also had excess fluid with two of them, large babies a couple of times - though my easiest birth was the one who was 9 lbs, 11 oz. He was 3 hours start to finish. I'm short too, but it's the hips that matter, I guess. I wear a size 8.5 shoe (about 42 European size, I think it was.) which (apparently) indicates good hips.

The last month or so is the most tedious - you feel huge, uncomfortable, and simply want to hold the baby in your arms, rather than as a pack. Actually, I cover some of that in the book I'm serializing right now on Steemit! One of my characters is in her final stage of pregnancy!

I might be pregnant as well because if I see food on TV, especially junk food, I have to have it lol. Kidding, I'm a dude, but interesting to see your journey here and even though I know hormones can effect a woman's mind during pregnancy I didn't realize just how.

Well @cizzo, now you know :) we do have a good excuse to be a bit crazy during pregnancy, right?! :D

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