It's Not All About The New Linear Rewards, It's Also About Selling Yourself!

in #blog7 years ago (edited)

Yes, the new reward system after the hard fork is pretty cool!

No doubt about that. I have seen more excitement today in the community than I have in any one time this past month or so. Maybe more so than when Steem was trading at almost $3 back in the day. And why not? I've seen my own voting power grow to almost $5ish for every 100% vote I have! Others are clearly noticing the same and are euphoric.

Imagine just landing on planet Steemit for the first time...

What would you think about our weird obsession with forks?

But, if you dive deeper, our new rewards are just validation of something else:

I've been here since last July and have had a unique opportunity, after a little time off, to see some of my favorite authors flourishing. Authors, I might add both new and old, that have been diligently writing for months on end and helping this community by sharing their unique skills and talents. Don't believe me?

Exhibit A: @surfermarly

Back when I was a young steemian trying to find a niche of my own, I tried to highlight newbies, or "minnows" to the platform in my "Minnow Report" series. Look who was on my very first one:

When I saw @surfermarly's early posts I was drawn in by her unique point of view on the world and perspectives taught to her as a surfer. Nothing else like it was on Steemit.

So, do you think she got discouraged when her early posts were earning rewards like this?

Of course she wasn't! She just kept selling herself and writing about what she loves!

Now her posts fetch almost $100 plus every time, even more now with the Hard Fork. She has even improved as the months have gone on by branching out into vlogging. And she has earned every penny by being consistent with her posting and by being true to herself and the value she provides to the community.

Exhibit B: The @steemittalk Podcast Crew

I can remember the days when @sykochica was hanging out on FOR FREE to give advice to new steemians and offer help in learning the ropes around here.

I remember @winstonwolfe posting about beatboxing in his car on the way to work. And, I can also remember many early posts from @giftedgaia with unique takes on the world through his own personal lens.

Oh, there is also the @steemittalk podcast as well, which all three co-host, and have done so since I've been a member of Steemit.

Do you think this was discouraging to the crew about six months back?

That's 102 upvotes and a measly $0.39 reward. Of course it would be worth WAY more now with our new rewards system. In fact, it would be interesting to see just how much more everyone's past posts would hypothetically have been worth in our new system. Paging @jesta ;)

Take a look at them now:

They stayed on their own message, improved their podcasting skills along the way, and provided value to the community. And, after a long hard year of work, are getting rewarded for it. Sensing a message here?

Exhibit C: @zenchess

So you think I am only going after folks that have been here for a long time, 'eh? Check out @zenchess.

I first came into contact with @zenchess after he solved my first steemcypher puzzle just this past week, and is the only one so far to have done so. He plans on blogging about how he did so soon, and I can't wait.

But, to my surprise, I was browsing through posts on my feed the other day and came across this gem:

I might add, this post was at about $13 before the hard fork. However, in just his third original Steemit blog post, @zenchess is already using his unique talents as a chess master, apparently with a skill level of like a bazillion, to offer up unique chess challenges to the community. I've never seen chess highlighted like this on Steemit, and I think this series on chess puzzles is extremely unique.

However, not unique, just like everyone else I have highlighted so far, is @zenchess' ability to sell himself and his unique value to the community. He is a chess master that has a unique talent and wants to educate all of us about his passion.

Don't believe me? In his newest post, he is taking it upon himself to literally educate us all on how to play chess better!

Yes, the new linear rewards are amazing!

And it is the obvious take to have today with upvote values going up so much.

However, I come away from today seeing how, for the most part around here, everyone that is true to themselves and consistent to their unique personal message is getting rewarded! And if not at first, with a little sweat equity, eventually.

I am so happy for everyone out there in Steemitland, and not just the ones I have highlighted, that have earned the rewards they deserve for all of their hard work!



Great post! Being new to Steem, I too hope I can bring something new and creative to the table, time shall tell... Side note: out of curiosity, does your name "team-leibniz" come from the German philosopher or the German biscuit?

Thanks! Its actually for the German philosopher/mathematician, my favorite of the discoverers of Calculus. He left us with superior notation and for that, I've always favored him over Newton ;)

haha! Thats a shame, they are damn good biscuits! I shall look into Leibniz more, seems like an interesting fellow! =]

Followed! Great article and very well articulated. Impressed 🙌🏼

This post received a 3.4% upvote from @randowhale thanks to @team-leibniz! For more information, click here!

There's a lot to take away in your post for minnows. Resteeming this

Very good post :)

Thank you for sharing!
I have the same dream that within time we will be growing into a community, that is sharing each individuals unique values and lets us become better human beings each and every day.