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RE: Behold a New Servant… Or Overlord

in #blog8 years ago

That's very interesting thought actually. I know that people are trying to upload their consciousness onto another body.. But I don't know how close they are to getting there, I don't even know if that's possible.

I expected though, alchemy before when it was considered science they tried to do the same, necromancy the same thing (although another body).. Most rulers ask their scientist to find a way to live forever or to transfer their consciousness to another body, these studies have always been funded.

If they ever get close to that it's another subject.

The question remains is if that consciousness transference is feasible? Or if it's nothing but the quest to achieve a human hope for immortality?

Thank you for the excellent comment by the way!


It depends on what consciousness turns out to be. If it's 'just' electrical signals in the brain... then I think we should be able to 'copy' that into another body of sorts. Which brings up another interesting consideration.... copying... Could you create an identical secondary consciousness?!

Personally I am of the belief that consciousness is like a piece of biological software. It doesn't really 'exist' when the switch is turned off and it's not tangible or touchable because of exists in the signals between it's parts. But if that's so I don't see how we couldn't be able to reproduce it somehow, even if that is still years away from being discovered.

I guess we should expect some things to be different. Maybe some parts of being human will be lost in the translation to a digital consciousness. Not sure if that's good or bad.. it sounds bad right now, but maybe there are advantages as well. Or maybe it's just different, or atleast not dead per se.