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RE: How to celebrate your failure.

in #blog7 years ago

some nordic/germanic cultures have a funny social custom. if you become too important, famous or successful, it is the job of your family and friends to tease you and pull you down so you dont get a big head. it seems counter intuitive, but its important, imho, to stay humble and grateful for the people who made you who you are.

this is tricky because we tend to do looking for encouragement from strangers, who arent socially invested in our success.

healthy self esteem and parenting is a challenge to create. it constantly surprises me that we dont think more about psychological needs when raising and educating children.


Seems like a pretty brutal educational strategy, but i guess it might be stimulating for some. As long as you get along and don't get hurt. Slavic culture does it primarily in a passive aggressive manner, which might make you feel conflicted, on top you have words of encouragement combined with domination and superiority, but at the same time you feel like you wouldn't make it without them. Quiet frankly in my case it was always going against the tide of my family, which I'm grateful for, but sometimes, really quietly I wish I did have a bit of emotional support instead of military style, submit and surrender, you have no vote in this. At work I see a lot of unloved "kids" who have no idea how to deal with their emotions, feelings, how not to run from themselves, stay in the present and learn new approaches, so I agree with you, psychological and emotional education is a must.
Thank you for your feed back, have an awesome day!