Oh the world we live in. I think so many just turn a blind eye, they don't want to know they're being watched. That what they do on the internet is not private. Sadly, anyone that though it was even before the 'Snowden Incident' really had their head in the sand.
I like the quote from OZ it is the 'Christian' ideal. It honestly is how we should view the world. If my neighbor came up to me and said that to me I'd probably panic and find a dead goat on my front porch in the morning. It is their gesture of friendship from their village in Mexico.
You were featured in week 44 of @pifc's Pay It Forward Curation Contest by @chekohler
I just started re-watching Oz recently, which was the inspiration for this. There are so many great ideas in the sub-text of that show. Thank you for your comment. I really means a lot.