The story of this Beached Mermaid and how Gandalf will become "The White"

in #blog6 years ago

I'm slowly losing track of time. Which is quite relaxing to be honest, but I try to keep aware that I will at some point go back to face the average everyday responsibilities. I added "average" after writing that because I realized by no means have I stopped having responsibilities.

I'm starting to see this time/place/stop?/pause as an "Under Pressure Test". Think Ninja Warrior but all the obstacles are highly stressful and emotionally charged challenges that change each aspect of my life.

It all started with my dad suffering a stroke. I live in a different country and 15 hour drive from my family. The town where they live is 4-5 hours away from the closest airport, so I do rather drive myself when I come visit vs having someone drive 8 hours just to pick me up.

As quick as I could I applied for my passport, paid extra to get it rushed, and waited 2 weeks to have it. I arranged with my boss (now former boss) that I would work remotely for 2 weeks while I was with my family and I would maybe need another week.

One of my best friends agreed to take care of my 2 cats while I'm gone.

The drive was great and easier than other times in the past because I packed a bunch of food for the road. I packed my bag same morning, some t-shirts and pants and hoped I had everything. But food I planned 3 days in advance!

I drove 9 hours, spent the night a friend's house and next day I drove another 8 hours and I was hugging my dad in the afternoon.

The plan was bullet proof!! What could go wrong???

**evil laughter


I bought Gandalf the White (the Gray when he's dirty) almost 4 years ago. He's always made a funny noise, and I have tried things like..... Antifreezer! #strongindependentwomanproblems


I eventually did take it to the Kia shop and they quoted $1400 repairs to replace some part... near the wheels. I'm super car savvy as you can tell.
Well, I couldn't afford it and they said it wasn't urgent so I left.

After this drive, the noise was extremely loud and I asked my brother in law to take it to his trusted mechanic. Thinking, well this is going to be a lot cheaper here in Mexico!

Tires are fine, he just greased some part and the tire related noise stopped. HOWEVER, the noise I was hearing came from the Pistons. Which turned out to be damaging the cylinder head.... and even I know that sounds scary.

Here's how pistons work See the "wall" behind? well they were damaging that. It was pretty dangerous to be driving on freeway like that...

Anyways... cylinder's damaged part needs to be cut out, which will leave bigger holes where the pistons go, so we need not bigger new pistons as well. My car wasn't sold in Mexico when it came out in 2010 so we can't find parts here.

While trying to find the parts, I also learned that KIA has come up with it's own "language" for parts and measurements, I think it's something like Apple, where they pretty much force you to buy and service through them only. After one week, $600 and several people involved to "translate" the part I requested I received the pistons. Wrong size....

Back they go, and now waiting for the right ones and a refund.. and my mechanic can't start working on my car until he has the parts.

I feel like a beached mermaid (no, not whale)

So there... this is my 4th week. I miss my cats. I don't have a daily routine, which might sound great but I miss my yoga studio, my cats, my couch, my food schedule (or lack thereof)

At least I no longer have the pressure of my job lol. If you didn't read my last post, I got laid off last week.

There's a Teaching in Yoga called Ishvara Pranidhana, it means to fully surrender. Trust that we are in the place that we are supposed to be because we can learn from our experiences. Kinda like Hakuna Matata...

So I'm chill by the beach with a beer.... Ishvara Pranidhana, dear Universe.... Ishvara Pranidhana....

Maybe all this time he's just been Gandalf the Grey. I imagine he is currently fighting the Balrog..

... Gandalf pursued the creature for eight days, until they climbed to the peak of Zirakzigil, where the Balrog was forced to turn and fight once again, its body erupting into new flame. Here they fought for two days and nights. In the end, the Balrog was defeated and cast down, breaking the mountainside where it fell in ruin. Gandalf himself died shortly afterwards, but he was later sent back to Middle-earth with even greater powers, as Gandalf the White, "until his task was finished".



You got stuck for a month?! That’s nuts, enjoy it! There must be something pulling you to where you are now!

yeah, it is crazy. Your comment was buzzing in my head all day. "something must be pulling me". Opportunities here. Just the ones I've been daydreaming about.... it's scary and exciting,... we'll see what happens

Eventful trip but you could be stuck in worst place with people you didn't like haha. Enjoy it, time for a big reflection and renewing of your path.All the best an hope ole Gandalf is up and running soon 💯🐒

true, at least i'm having much needed family time. Family is crazy, and challenging. But the love is unparalleled. (and lots of good food)

Haha i'll second that. Enjoy it. Is Gandalf rolling yet? 💯🐒

Not yet.... but the parts are here now... It should take 4-5 days to do the work now....

Great news! Back on the road soon then happy days. Looking forward to the next stage 💯🐒

How lovely photo