What would you do differently if...

in #blog7 years ago

If you understand the message I'm about to convey today, it has the power to greatly change your life.

Lack of inspiration for today's pretty picture Image Source

Oh you just had click the article reading the sentence above didn't you? A clickbait sentence of the gods 😉

Luckily I still believe it's true though, if you truly grasp and further apply what I'll write in today's post, dramatical changes are inevitable.

How do I know?

Because for several years - and in some areas of my life until recently - I did the exact opposite. And once I adopted this approach to life and the goals I'm pursuing; my overall wellbeing and daily flow have increased immeasurably.

Tell us William, tell uuuusss! - (Read in the voice of Gollum)

It all begins with the seemingly trivial question:

What would you do differently if you knew you were going to make it?

This is something I picked up from the "pick-up" industry where regular lads try to improve themselves to get girls so that they don't have to spend the rest of their lives jerking off to porn. A fair mission I would say, nothing wrong with that, I've been quite immersed in it myself during my "younger" years.

Although, the question posed is easily made universally applicable, but first let's examine and exemplify it's effects by looking how it's applied in the pick-up industry.

Let's say your out at a nightclub

with your fellow comrades and your goal is to "get lucky" with a fair maiden (or if your a girl, to meet with your dream man). You spend the night trying to charm different woman in order to reach your goal, you do your "hustle", you have your eyes set on the prize and you're not backing down.

While not everyone will relate to that "typical night out", it is the reality for many guys out there. The problem is that what many don't grasp is the paradox with "game"; the harder you try, the more serious you take your quest, the more you try to "win" the girl; meaning the more you try to force it, the harder it gets to actually get the girl.

This is because the qualities you exhibit while in pursuit of a girl this way, are simply perceived as needy, not cool, low-status, and basically unattractive. There are a multitude of reasons for this but this isn't an article about game so let's move on.

So if we were to know apply our postulated question to our example it would look something like this:

How would you act differently if you knew you were going to 100% get your dream girl at the end of the night?

Imagine now you're back at the club that has just opened its doors for the night. And now you're stuck for 5 hours until you can go home with the girl of your dreams. What would you do? Hopefully you would spend your time trying to have as much fun as possible; enjoying yourself with your wings, talking to all kinds of people whether they be men, woman, skinny, fat or dwarfs.

Once again we're back to the paradox of game, if you were to have this mindset and spend your night like this, you would be perceived as a fun, outgoing guy that is at the center of the party just enjoying himself and not giving a fuck. In other words, you would exhibit qualities that girls would find attractive.

The same obviously applies if you are a girl or whatever gender you identify yourself as.

Success would become a self-fulfilling prophecy.

By giving less fucks and to instead focus on the journey and most importantly, to have fun on that journey. The more likely you are to achieve your original goal; to get a girl at the end of the night.

So now let's go back and see how we can apply our original question to all sorts of goals we have in life.

What would you do differently if you knew you were going to make it?

Regardless of what your aspirations and dreams are in life. How would your approach change to them, if you were to know that by the end of those journeys you were to achieve what you seek?

Now some smart-ass reading this article might think: "But William, if we are to achieve our goals regardless, I would just sit on my ass and do nothing."

My initial response would be; do you really think you would achieve your goals doing nothing? And metaphorically speaking, this wouldn't be walking the journey but rather just sitting down whining.

You still have to do work, but how would you approach things differently if you know you were going to succeed?

Taking myself and my Steemit journey as an example. I initially used a lot more force and willpower when I got on this platform, and while I wouldn't want to change a thing about my journey so far here on Steemit, my approach towards it has changed greatly.

Assuming I eventually will reach my goals here, I no longer spend my time:

  • Reading shit-posts about some persons favourite cheese while leaving comments in hope that they would follow me and give me their MASSIVE $0.01 vote
  • Writing and producing when I'm drained on creativity or feel uninspired just to "keep the continuity up". There are enough of bad content here already and I'm sure I won't help if I write stuff just for the sake of it
  • Trying to connect with uninteresting people with high SP and authority

Instead I spend more time:

  • Reading content from authors I deem to produce high and relevant content for myself
  • Commenting and establishing connections with people I find interesting and seem to carry good-vibes. Fuck the SP.
  • I only produce when I want to, Steemit is a side-side-side-project for me and a place for me to grow as an author and producer while connecting with people I care about

As previously mentioned, when you shift your focus from result to journey, and from serious to fun, success becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy.

And if you didn't make it and failed, at least you had fun and failed.

Lastly, remember that this question isn't the answer to all of your problems. There will still be times where you have to do shit you find uninspiring and tedious as hell. But it is one of many tools to apply along your journey, and I certainly believe that it is a fundamental one if you ever are going to enjoy what you do.

Until next time.

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If I knew then, what I know now, I will find a way to make things work out somehow. Wow, this is great

Thanks you my friend!!

Great article, I think maybe you also watch the Golden One from Sweden haha.

Also good shape in the picture. I'll keep an eye out for any videos on diet because I'm trying to bring my own physical training to the next level this summer.

Thanks brother! Yeah I've watched him, more in the past when he wast more about gym and good lolz, I don't care that much for the politics stuff he does currently 🙏🏼

Yeah if there is interest I can definitely do more training/diet content ✌🏼

I just love this and the fact that you used the club thing to demonstrate the concept made it really easy to grasp. You're right in that we should focus on having fun and the rest will just sort of happen.

Glad you could relate and find the example relevant to the delivery of the message 🙏🏼 Agreed! 💯

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Det här är väldigt tänkvärt. Jag tycker vi ska fokusera mer på att ha kul under resan, låta oss bli inspirerade av andra och skriva det som är sant för oss. Jag har märkt att när jag verkligen njuter av att skriva och läggs upp det, att det är då jag når ut. Jag känner att jag har utvecklats en hel del sen jag började här på steemit för 3 månader sen.
Tack William!❤🙏

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