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RE: Facebook's endgame my be far more sinister than we think.

in #blogs6 years ago

I'm not convinced that Facebook are evil, but there is potential for their data to be exploited. Zuckerberg is a geek, and not necessarily well adjusted socially. He's managed to build the world's biggest database about what people like. Of course the company is exploiting that. They can run experiments on sets of millions of people to see what works for getting clicks on ads as well as to just see how they behave. The world has never had anything like this and I know if be excited to work with it. We know the data has been exploited by various other organisations such as Cambridge Analytica. Of course politicians want it as much as advertisers. It's a means to an end.

Are there really only 16 types of personality?


pretty much just 16. Some Psychiatrist broke all personality dispositions into 16 what amount to 16 primary colors. loath as I am to admit it, he seems to be correct. I forget what they chart of them is called.

Yeah, that's the one! MyersBriggs.