5 properties of meat hedgehog

in #blong7 years ago

1.Intake of Cholesterol Free Meat

Meat becomes an important food intake that must be consumed to meet the nutritional needs in the body. However, people often avoid meat consumption because of high cholesterol. Hedgehog meat is the best meat intake solution for you cholesterol sufferers, because in meat hedgehogs have no cholesterol at all.

2.Helping Wound Healing Process

Not only is the meat a very enjoyable meal, but the meat hedgehog also has a gene content that can improve the process of wound healing faster. High protein content in the flesh of this spiny animal will work to regenerate the skin faster so that the wound on your body can heal faster.

3.Overcoming Asthma Disease

For a long time, meat and liver hedgehog is believed to be able to treat asthma by burning it to remove oil. In addition, meat and liver hedgehog is also effective to cure various diseases associated with respiration because of the content of kitotefin contained in the hedgehog. This compound will increase the contraction of smooth muscle in the respiratory tract so that the airway can get wider.

4.Boost the immune system

Not only useful to treat asthma, but the content of kitotefin compounds in porcupine will also stimulate the formation of anti-body. This makes a person who regularly consume meat porcupine will experience an increase in the immune system so protected from various dangerous diseases caused by bacteria and viruses.

5.Overcoming Male Vitality Problems

For men who have vitality problems, eating meat hedgehog, especially meat that is close to the tail of hedgehog can be a good alternative to overcome the problem. Parts of meat hedgehog near the tail is believed to be effective to overcome premature ejaculation and also impotence in men.
