HIVE token price losing ground against all other currencies

in #blurt4 months ago

Suddenly, I'm really glad I moved all my HIVE into BLURT a couple years ago! It has been a rough ride, but I'm doing far better than if I had stayed in the HIVE token, which recently has failed to follow the bull market upward. It is now back to the USD price it was at the start:


Pricing it in BTC shows the bloodbath - it has never been worth less. Look at that freefall to a new all-time low!


In other words, anyone currently holding HIVE could have just kept their money until today, and bought even more HIVE tokens. All that holding was for nothing. In fact, less than nothing. They were losing ground. They still are.

Who is happy they sold their HIVE and got into BLURT? I am.

Here's HIVE over the past year:


Here's BLURT over the past year:


Pretty similar for the first half, but then when BLURT starts to recover (and follow the crypto bull market upward), HIVE can't seem to get up off the lows.

Zooming in to the last six months, first HIVE:


And then BLURT:


The HIVE:BLURT ratio is currently 77:1 (it costs 77 BLURT to buy 1 HIVE).

The ratio was well over 150 at the start of last year. In other words, HIVE has lost half its value against BLURT since the bottom of the crypto bear market.

While it's true those of us holding BLURT recently would have been better off in BTC, we can count our lucky stars we haven't been sitting on HIVE!

I've noticed the rot creeping through Hive, the way it crept through Steem. You don't hear much good about the place nowadays. It definitely peaked a while back, and has been stagnating and crumbling ever since. That's reflected in the token price. My hope is that more and more Hive users notice that Blurt and BLURT are both doing well. The Blurt platform is familiar to them, and works well. Our token is gaining during this crypto market, unlike theirs. Not to mention we have many major upsides here, like no downvotes (or associated cabal of profiteers and wannabe policemen). If they were waiting for a signal, here it is!


We're here for them when they're ready.

Posted to Blurt, Steem, and Hive.

