How to lose weight quickly. 7 super secrets

in #body7 years ago


  • You can monitor your calorie consumption

Count the number of calories you consume over a day. This is the simplest thing you can do. Studies show that people who monitor their food intake lose twice as much weight as those who do not.

  • Measure your weight as often as possible

If you are constantly weighing, you will be surprised at how much this will motivate you. Even if you are still not happy with the figure that your scale indicates, the simple fact that you keep track of the results of your efforts every day will keep you in shape.

  • Start any meal with a soup or salad

If you start your basic meals with a salad or soup, you will eat significantly less. You will have a feeling of satiety and you will not feel the need to devour the plateau in front of you.

  • Never jump over breakfast

Start your day with a healthy breakfast: cereals, yogurt, fruit, eggs. Most of those who do not have breakfast compensate with copious meals in the second half of the day. So if you want to lose weight, you have to turn breakfast into the most important meal of the day.

  • Drink a lot of water

For the best metabolism, try to drink as much water as possible. The target would be 10-12 glasses per day. You can try drinking 2 glasses before eating, so you will eat less.

  • Store sliced fruits or vegetables in the refrigerator

Sliced fruits and vegetables! That's what you should find in the refrigerator every time you feel the need to eat something. It's the best thing you can do! Thus you will replace carbohydrates with healthy vitamins and minerals for your body and you will get rid of extra pounds.

  • Reorganize your pantry!

If you get used to stuffing your pantry (or office) of snacks, then you should urgently clean it. Replace them with healthy snacks. So you will focus on what you can eat healthily when you are hungry, you will not have to struggle with the temptation to resist the temptations in front of you. And to eliminate any danger, throw them out straight away!


eat more garlic and nuts and fats