
Hello, I'd like to know how much time do you recomend to run BOINC in a daily basis. For pool mining, ## hours per day? I hope to hear feedback from you. Thanks a lot !

It is up to you. The more - the better (think about electricity bills).

I haven't turned my computer off for 2 weeks now and I pause BOINC only when I do CPU heavy things on PC :)

Thanks for the info. I really appreciate it😊

Thanks! So when I have joined the and added it to the BOINC manger (took awhile to figure it out as it kept on saying fail to add project. Solved it by using the Advanced view). Anyway, from the website I just attach projects eg. Rosseta@home and sync BOINC? Do I need to go to the Rossetta@home and also join the group or have I joined indirectly through the grcpool? Also, do you recommend joining multiple projects or just pick one? I assume the more projects you have the less CPU power to each project or is there like "merged" projects like how some coins can be mined together? Sorry for all these newbie questions.

Attach project from grcpool and sync BOINC manager (you may need to sync twice). BOINC should download work units after that.

I prefer running one project at a time. Just pick your favorite :)