What was your favorite book as a child?

in #books6 years ago

We were talking to a friend of mine. The subject came to our favorite books as a child. Obviously, we couldn't get a list of such a lengthy length. But in talking, we realized how important the role of children's books in our lives was.

The best children's book I think can be read with pleasure in adulthood.

Children of different ages can also read books that have a piece of philosophy.

Like the little prince.

Like Momo.

It's like a sandstorm.

In If people don't want to be seen, they hide behind something, istem Kumkurdu said. In A bush or a door. Or a lot of chattering. Ya


Ina At first, it wasn't that dangerous, kadar Zackarina said.

”This is the nature of the dangerous things, in Kumkurdu said. ”They look safe and fun first.“


”How do you know if someone is a friend or a friend? Mu Zackarina asked.

Du Well, it's like cooking, gibi Kumkurdu said. “Must taste“

Ina No way, ”Zackarina said. "People cannot be tasted."

Du But you can look into his eyes, inin said Kumkurdu. "Then everything is clear."