2 New Books, AI & Quantatative Trading

in #books7 years ago

I purchased 2 books on Audible today, here is what they are and why I bought them.

Book #1 - Life 3.0


The first book is Life 3.0. It was actually PewDiePie the YouTuber who turned me on to this book, in a recent video he made doing book reviews.

I've just started the first chapter and it starts with a hypothetical team in the near future called "The Omegas". The group secretly discovers how to make a powerful AI. They then start very quickly expanding to make as much money as possible, in order to further fund their project.

Step #1, they rent AWS on demand servers and start running a program they wrote with the AI which does Mechanical Turk tasks, this is a site where you can do simple tasks online and be paid for it.

They quickly find that the max they can make without raising attention using Mechanical Turk is $1 million per day, anything beyond this and they'd start to crash the price of humor labor on the site.

They then go on to take that money and having the AI invade more and more markets. Seems to be written in a sort of exciting way, yet very much from a scientific point of view.

Book #2 - Inside the Black BoxThe Simple Truth About Quantitative Trading


This book I haven't started yet but I decided I wanted to read about anything related to automated trading. This seems to be the only book on Audible.

The last week has been a little bit of a roller coaster for me. I've invested in crypto twice before, but ended up having to sell early for a very small profit, first time was Bitcoin, and second time was Monero.

I started doing small amounts each week of $100-$250. Last week I decided to bite the bullet and do a large transaction, over $1250 (Canadian). Of course my luck the price immediately plummets.

That said I'm still going to hold and I also see the value of this as a learning experience. I'm interested in crypto and would love to do stuff related to it, more than I do now.

Best case scenerio we head back to the moon. Worst case scenario I have some coins to play around maybe learn something. I found some trading bots on github, that use the Binance API. So I think that'll be something I also look into as I read/listen this book.


I'd be interested in updates on the chapters in the 2nd book or, if you just overall recommend it in order to further personal knowledge on automated trades.