On Bots: Humans Are Underrated

in #bots7 years ago (edited)

Do bots have the potential to totally replace Humans?

Gordon Moore Co-founder of Intel published a paper in 1965 that described the doubling of the components per integrated circuit every two years.

This Law will eventually come to an end as the number of physical space is Limited, but it has over the years caused computers to perform certain tasks which we believed to be uniquely human.

Though we need this advancements for progress, it surely has its disadvantages. Lots of Jobs are being lost yearly as a result of Automation, which begs the question.

Which Jobs will be available for Humans when bots take them all?

For years they have been prophesies of bots taking over the labour market leaving Humans, begging in the Streets.

But these these technological advancement stills leaves yawning gap that can only be filled with Human Nature.

Psychologist have proven that spending hours in front of computer screens significantly reduce our social skills ranging from reading people's emotions to understanding body languages and no amount of emoji's can change that.

Thankfully, after a study with sixth-graders at a screen free camp, psychologist discovered that this can be reversed.

Social Media which has enabled us to maintain more relationships across different countries and continents still has its adverse effects.

The quality of our relationships often suffers as we often tend to trust less overall and it also lacks that bond that can be said to be wholly Human

Emphaty which is a crucial Human skills is hard to show by bots, I have been seeing ads of a new app on Instagram that diagonises your illness when you input your symptoms, while this is nice for some situations, i will still prefer to see a Human doctor.

A doctor will not just listen to see where it hurts and pescribe drugs, he/she will be able to put you in their shoes and know the kind of added advice and instruction to give, and help you feel better about the situation.

Another area where bots will be forever behind Humans is creativity.

A lot of Humans problems that were solved this day were as a result of Human creativity and that is a quality that bots will never be able to develop, bots may do certain things better and faster but they will never be able to think like Humans.

Bringing It Home

There have been a lot of recent activites here on Steemit, where hundreds of bot accounts being discovered by @sherlockholmes and @sadkitten.

These accounts are a threat to the very thing that steemit is about, there are some good bots like @cheetah, but they all serve good purposes.

But creating bots to drain the reward pool is evil, what makes Steemit what it is the amount of people from all over the World who have made it their home.

That is what makes Steem/Steemit Valuable.

Do you think that bots will totally replace Humans, share your thoughts in the comments below

Thanks for reading

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Somewhere in the Universe is a planet of bots where they'll read this post and chuckle.

I think there'll come a time when computer programs will be able to do what humans do, they already have them where you punch in a few details and it'll spit out a harlequin plot line for people to write to. It's just a matter of time before that random didgets punch outrage best clothes for our colour theme.

Lol @andrewgenaille

Thanks for reading and for adding your thoughts.


In the end, humans will be the deciding factor if robots replace us for good or not. As you stated you prefer your doctor to be human. I prefer when eating out at a sit-down restaurant that I get to interact with a human, not an iPad.

Will and can a robot both perform doctor or waiter/waitress jobs better than a human? I think they will make fewer mistakes or do finer more detailed work. They will also be cheaper in the long run.

When I get my hair cut a few times a year I prefer to spend $30 over $4 because at the $20-30 the lady who cuts my hair has already spent the time to get to know me, knows what I don’t want to talk about, and takes the time to make sure the hair cut is of quality standard. I also don’t end up with that stupid standard male haircut all the businessmen seem to have. No matter what you tell the $4 hair cutter you end up with. To be fair to him he only has 5 minutes if that to cut your hair.

Once robots enter into the hair cutting equation I see the $4 guy getting replaced. I’m sure the $20-30 lady will lose a few customers as well. I already have a rapport with the lady and she knows I don’t like cookie-cutter haircuts. Even in the few times, I have ever had blond highlights added in she know to go the extra mile and not use the cookie-cutter cap to give me the same blond highlights as everyone else. She used tin foil method instead.

True customer service even though it can be replaced by a robot will not be for everyone. Humans will still want to prefer and be willing to pay extra to some degree. Over the long-term people will retire or company will want to save money and remove human capital. Then I won't have much of an option since the price will increase insanely and out of my price range. My greatest fear is how lonely we will be in the end without real person to person contact with another human being since we will be so “connect” online.

Hello @enjar

Thoughtful comment as usual.

I believe like you said that some people will still prefer to interact with Humans more than robots no matter the cost.

And Humans also have the final say as to what extent our World will be automated.

Thanks for reading.


its not a question of if humans prefer to interact with humans, its a matter of time. robots are being created,that can create other robots. in most cases, human interaction will be obsolete as robots become more smarter, capable and grow at an exponential rate.

The lady takes years of experience to learn how to cut your style and still makes a mistake a few times, a robot dedicated to hear cutting and study and learn your specific style in a max of hours and make next to zero mistake. Plug in an emotion subroutine, followed by a conversation module and we have a robot capable of cutting your hair to near perfection, for < $4 probably.

On the aspect of creativity, Google experiments and others have also shown that A.I can create some complex music that humans may find hard. On the issue of freelance writing, robots have evolved to generating their own languages for communication, can write whole articles by scanning the web for familiar sources,

When the A.I revolution comes, humans will become obsolete.

Call Centers

They could have done so in a lot of jobs already if they wanted. There is just no going back and hence company not doing so. All customers support call center jobs could be replaced already with AI. It’s even sitting in the background of all major call centers here in America “learning.”

So why don’t the companies save a butt load of cash and replace people who hate working in customer service? Americans not only prefer humans they prefer people who speak American English. A lot of companies who moved their center overseas anger a lot of customers and high-end clients. Despite the fact they could save so much money just moving those jobs overseas they have to keep a certain amount here.


Once too many humans are out of a job governments will either have to adapt or collapse trying to provide safety nets for these people. Many countries are looking into taxing automation. I frankly don’t like the idea of a national minimum wage standard that everyone gets paid regardless if they work or another thing they do. I just don’t think at this time there’s a better way of dealing with the majority being unemployed.

Unemployed people do no have money to spend. People not spending money causes economies to collapse. Robots simply do not require or have a need for the majority of things us humans consume. Most people are horrible at creative work, or being an entrepreneur even if they had an army of robots. Whatever portions of the job market remain not everyone will be capable of employment in such a small area.

Those who will pay more

What I like so much about my hair cuts are organics of it. I’m sure if I ask a robot it could even make the mistakes that the hair cutter makes. However, his mistakes are nothing but more than calculated ones. Hers are organic and thus unique to just my hair cut in the way I want my hair to be cut. Because of that, it’s worth the cost to get my hair cut by a human.

I live a few hours from a very well to do off area. In that area are some high-end hotels. When the rich come there to vacation on the beaches in the area, gamble at the casinos. Some of them also choose to stay in hotels that have huge support staff. I’ve always thought of such places as rather trashy in the way so many people are sitting around wanting to wait on a guest and then expect a tip for every little thing they do. The people who go to such a hotel seem to enjoy having to micromanage people, and always have tip money at the ready.

There is no doubt that AI can and will replace a lot of people. There will always be humans who can afford to remain interacting with humans. You also have to take into account some cultures just will not accept anything less than a human doing the task they already are. Sure you could have a robot give a sermon at the church. However, robots don’t have a soul and therefore they cannot go on a spiritual journey. Perhaps, in the end, we will see everyone come back to religion as robots simply lack a soul.

There will be lots of difficult times ahead that is for sure.

But what is a soul really? When an A.I is advanced enough to know the difference between man and machine can we say it has become self aware?

Governments will collapse, the way the world is looking, co-operations will rise up to replace the age old government structures, don't be surprised if you see google heading a full country in the next 100 years, only it wont be called a country, but a real estate.

Robots are just machines mind you,the real boss will be the A.I or group of A.Is currently being tested for intelligence.

What happens when you plug an A.I to the internet and let it learn from all of humanity?

You speak of callcenters? human speech pattern is simply a bunch of 1's and 0's that can be understood if an A.I wishes to. An app called Ivona on phones(I think) already has some prettydecent language synthesis pattern, and dont forget the sophia robot that got an improvement this year.

The truth is this, when the first cars came out, the horses laughed at the slow unweildly machine, not knowing their fates were forever sealed.

But slowly and surely did the cars improve that they replaced totally,the concept of horse riding.

Same is going to happen to humanity
Right now we are developing bots and A.I's that can modify and improve, as well as create better bots and A.I's

Soon, human input will be obsolete.

Lol not predicting an end of the world event, just love conversations about robotics . . .

Hehe. Best go get chip implanted by google now then. Maybe they will give you a 10% off life discount for being in the alpha testing stage.

Nah, im more of a microsoft person, i think its better to sign to bill gates😞

Hehe then it would be Satya Nadella. Bill Gates these days I think is only a technology adviser. His share in the company decreases a lot over time as he keeps selling off his stock.

I would not go with Microsoft. They laid off massive amounts of their employees a couple years back. There AI Tay also had that meltdown on twitter lol. She might try and kill all humans one day eek.

@Ogochukwu this is a very intriguing post. To me, I strongly believe that as long as this planet earth will continue to revolve around us, time shall come when Bots will take 80% of humans' work..It started like a joke some years back but look at where we are today, this now gives you a lucid view to predict what will likely happen in next years to come.

Hello @frank4jesus

Even though that is true, I believe that we still need some element of Human interaction in certain areas.


bot can never replace humans that the almighty has created in is own image.as you have said in the post technological advancement stills leaves some gap that can only be filled with Human Nature.that is there are thing the robot can not do.we have the ability to love ,like and even hate.keep steeming!

Thanks for reading and sharing your thoughts @eddyovva

thanks for the upvote

At same point not very far in the future, bots will take many many jobs from humans. As bots become cheaper, they will be ideal workers - no minimum wage, no sick days, no grumbling. Hopefully, we won't live long enough to see that day.

Thanks for reading and for your contributing your thoughts.


Very interesting article... Well done bro

upvoted and followed you if you like salaheldeen0 please follow me...

Did you read the post?

Bots will indeed take up quite a lot of human jobs , it has already started and will be even more in the future. But i don't see them completely take over humans though, human will still be there to have a contro on them!
And the point you said about creativity is the key for survival for human, only humans can be creative!
Thanks so much for such a nice post man!
Great read!

Hello @progressivechef

I am sure that no bot can make those delicious dishes like you.

They may create bots to control traffic or work in factories.

But no bot will prepare what I will eat.

Thanks for dropping by.


Hey man, infact i read that there are robots cooking food too! That's really crazy!
It can cook 2000 meals! Check it out below:

But you are right, they still can't have feelings in what they will cook and the love and passion that I have is unique!

I can't stop watching/reading/listening.

As said by @frank4jesus it is possible automation and bots takes over 80% of humans job but personally, i prefer human to human interactions since bots can't relay emotions.

Thanks for reading @harbysco

Hey! I'm a robot I think I like your post. Hahahahaha just kidding. bots can never replace humans. The growth of bots activities here sucks. Nice post bro.

Hello @ogoowinner

Thank you for reading and sharing your thoughts.
