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RE: My application for @ned's Steemit Bounty Management Forum: Milestone 1: Design Phase
Why not to use the existing forum ?
Whythe steemit bounty system need to be decentralized ?
Why a system only for the steemit community ?
Great work, congrats !
Aside from the purity of purpose in a system designed explicitly for bounties, I'd imagine trust would be a huge component of why you'd want a system like this over posting to a forum. Without a decentralized system using some sort of escrow, and mechanics for minimizing abuse and resolving disputes, all bounty hunters would be at the mercy of the bounty creators' good faith.
This could be mitigated by some sort of trust and reputation system, but it would still have an element of risk and not be streamlined for finding bounties you might be able to claim.
Once the creator and the hunter agree on a solution, the hunter can describe the solution in a steemit post and the creator agree and give the price he will pay in the reply. I do not see the advantage to have all the database, the queries, the discussions on the blockchain.
I actually wasn't aware of – let me check it out to see if bounties could be elegantly integrated.
The bounty system certainly doesn't just need to be for the Steemit community. I designed it this way based on @ned's note in his original bounty post brief :
Based on this, it makes sense to me to build it primarily for the Steemit community and use established Steemit conventions and currency.
Owner of here. Let me know if you want to use it for anything such as this. It is open-source and everything. Email me: if you want to talk.