Redefining the relationship with the goals. Setting the HEART goals

in #brain7 years ago

How many of you already are bored with goal setting by using SMART method?
Do you still find relevant in your goal setting process? How about achieving it process.

My attention went and I appeared to the Mindvalley organized meetup at the Awesomeness Hall for “Redefining your goals and making them stick” session with Jim Kwik, Jack Delosa and Soon Wei (more about Soon here ->

My reason to pay 10Euros was to see Jim Kwik live. I was coming without big expectations, but I left with first ever deeply routed question and awareness on my relationship with my goals.
Sometime we treat our goals as items on the list, there are like aliens put into the frame of SMART. There naturally I was missing something.
Thanks to Jim Kwik you has given and broaden my mind. As you know we have left and right brain. The logical one is left who traditionally rationalizes, looks for facts and proofs. The SMART methodology to set the goals its what satisfies this part of the brain. The right brain so called emotional accepts visions, pictures, therefore HEART method to set the goals falls in and makes the right brain in place. When SMART and HEART are in one, the meaning to redefining the relationship with goal give different perspective.

Jim Kwik came on stage as last speaker for his sharing and insight. I found the following insight to share.
What opens the mind? Actually, questions open the minds. And since you start argue about your limitations looking for excuses you keep them. In case you set SMART goal and still does not motivates you, you shall consider HEART. Motivation is like a leverage and it comes from heart.

Jim Kwik idea for HEART stands as following in goal setting and achieving:
H - ealthy. How can you make sure your goals support your greater well-being? Your goals should contribute to both your physical and emotional health.
E- nduring. Your goals should be sustainable. They should change you over time, as you build a future version of yourself and your life.
A - lluring. You shouldn’t have to push yourself to work on your goals. They should be so exciting, enticing and engaging that you’re pulled toward them.
R - elevant. Don’t set a goal without knowing why you’re setting it. Ideally, your goals should relate to a challenge you’re having or your core values.
T -ruth. Don’t set a goal just because your neighbor is doing it, or because you think you should do it. Make sure your goal is something you want, something that remains true to you. If your goal isn’t true to you, you’re far more likely to procrastinate and sabotage yourself.

Source to summarize the HEART:


HEART goes deeper, right. It requires some additional material for that. Therefore including the first speaker’s Jack Delosa a four question process to overcome the challenge and set a growth might be completing the process. Jack was a school drop out and is a writer of two bestselling.

  1. What is the most challenging period in my life?
  2. Why this period was so challenging for me?
  3. If this period happened for a positive reason, what would that be?
  4. How did that period enabled you to become the person you long to be?

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Love this creative approach to SMART! It's so much better with HEART!

My favorite aspects of HEART are the H and T.

I'm interested in H because we often set goals or objectives that aren't always best for us. Or we don't think about how they could impact us negatively. Taking the time to really visualize if this goal is the best for us is a great way to start.

Also T because we often do things because we are influenced by others. Is this really something you want? How do you know that? Those are questions I would ask myself :)

Awesome post @loretapi. I love mindvalley, so awesome you got over there to see that speaker!

Today I wrote about the power of failing early on. I'd love to hear your thoughts about it: This Is Why NOT Succeeding Early On Is The Best Thing For You


~ axios

thanks @axios for the comment. And for myself the letter 'H" was also very powerful to take in count and redefine the relationship. I am still in process of the discovery of it.
and thanks for your post. left a comment too. :)