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RE: Pissing on Holy Rags: Does the truth need to be watered down (no pun) to bring people to the freedom "movement"?

in #brainwash8 years ago (edited)

Zealots get really angry when you damage their religious symbols. I'll never understand them.

The USA seems to be in the early stages of Nazi Germany. The foaming at the mouth nationalists are now in power, and they are raging around intimidating people. How soon until the Night of the Long Knives?

I cannot stomach being on FascistBook anymore because of things like this. I've burned a US flag before, and I burned a Quran and bible at the same time in the same video. The response? The bible thumpers were the angriest.

It was my property. I can do with it as I please. If me destroying my property makes you violent, you're the problem, not me.

Stuff like this though, the response to it more precisely, is one of the primary reasons I have seriously considered leaving the USA. I just don't see how it can be saved. How can the blind nationalism be reversed?

No one here seems to give a damn because it isn't their house being bombed or their children being blown to bits. Americans completely ignore the mass murder going on around the world. Should I even try to help them understand?

I'm no longer sure if I should bother. I feel like it is a lost cause. Those of us who "get it" are greatly out numbered too. The mindless idiots surrounding us will almost certainly not change either.


I hear you. I so hear you.

The way I figure, keep planting those seeds. I have seen a couple people come around to Voluntaryism so far, through debates and conversation.

I hear you, though. These rabid zombie types will not likely be swayed, until outnumbered.

I may not see that day, but it is worth the philosophical battle (and as you say, it may become a physical self-defensive one, too), as long as we stand on the principle of self-ownership, which is the way of nature/God/the universe/creator.

As for getting out of the US, it might not be a bad idea. I am not really sure. I agree with your assessment of the current climate there 100% though. It's certainly seeming like things are about to really turn sour.

Yep, if I didn't have children, I would just stay and fight it out. Because I do have children though, I feel torn over the decision.

Politic and Criminal is onething

The US will always swing right. The left will push just hard enough to get us to go hard right again. Just waiting for financial collapse to provide the trigger.

Still can't make up my mind whether the left knows what they are doing or are just clueless.

Left and right are destroying the center.

The left and right for me are liberty and tyranny. There is no center. Don't be distracted by false divisions. :) The whole purpose of the USA system is to keep people divided and arguing while their liberty is slowly taken away.

Well, that is confusing. By that do you mean that the left stands for liberty and the right stands for tyranny?

Further clarification -- do you mean the left and right as they stand today, or classically?

I mean what the scale should be. Replacing one tyranny with another is not helpful.

So extremes of left or right are both tyranny? Communism or Fascism, neither things that I want? I'm in agreement with that.

Any collectivism for any reason is tyannical. As soon as one person has another's will forced upon them, it is unethical and wrong.