Do You Feel Stuck and Need a Breakthrough? 4 Steps to a Breakthrough

in #breakthrough5 years ago (edited)

Do You Feel Stuck and Need a Breakthrough?

We have all been there. Behaviors, habits, projects... the list goes on and on.

Sometimes it seems we are spinning our wheels, we are simply stuck.

The good news is that there is always a way to overcome any obstacle.

Here is a four step process to help you get unstuck and have your breakthrough.

Identify your Goal

Connect to the big picture of what you want. What are you after and what does it look like when you have it. This will give you the lens to see what it is that is keeping you back and why.

Identify Your Problem

Connecting to your goals helps you to identify the problem. To identify your problem, ask yourself: What is keeping me from hitting my goals? What thing or task am I not seeing progress on? Why does that hold me back from achieving my goals? How does this affect my progress?

Identify Your Solution

Having Identified Your Problem, now ask yourself: How can I overcome this? Think like a problem solver here. Be strategic and think big. Think outside the box. The solution is there waiting to be discovered, so go find it.

Implement Your Plan

Now you know your goal, problem and solution. Now it is time to turn the solution into a strategy. The answer is not enough. You need to make the answer turn into actionable steps you can take to overcome your obstacle.

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