The End is in Sight for BTC Correction

in #btc7 years ago

So after months of a bear market the end is finally in sight for BTC. Many thought that we were on our way back up for good after seeing BTC drop to $5900 and then slightly rebound to $8900-$9100. Its hard not to be biased towards BTC. Most of us want to see it succeed, whether for profit, or just to see the concept of the blockchain takeover mainstream, or both. It was a beautiful thing to watch BTC skyrocket to new highs in December. Many of us thought the parabolic move upward would continue to $50k, $100k, etc. At the same time, many experiences traders seen a major correction coming. I don't think what any of us expected was a drop to $5k-$6k, maybe even $4k! But we should take a step back for a second, take a deep breath, and relax. Lets take the time to see the opportunities that are really in front of us. $5k BTC?! Really?! How is this not an incredible thing? I know for me, watching BTC grow to almost $20k was amazing. But the next thing that immediately popped into my head was...How am I ever going to obtain 1 BTC now, and I wish I was smart enough to just grab a whole BTC when it was $5k...Well guess what people? Our wishes have come true! We have that opportunity again! Its amazing how we don't take advantage of something because our minds talk us down due to nervousness. Then, we wish we took the chance, and when that chance comes back around we say the same things to ourselves. The only reason we shouldn't be jumping all over this is if we don't believe in BTC or Blockchain technology. Bottom line. Other than that...GET IN ON THIS SHIT PEOPLE!!