Tips on Cloud Mining & My View

in #btc8 years ago

I've noticed a mixed reaction to cloud mining on steemit. Some for it adding bonus codes, so that you get a discount when signing up. Which do help, but dont add to impartiality. What I thought I would do is comment on my experiences and give a few tips.

Tip 1. Only buy mining if you are expecting the coin mined to go up in value in the future.
Tip 2. Dont think you can dig your way out of a declining market.
Tip 3. If its uneconomical to mine dont start. (Buy Instead)
Tip 4. Some contacts have different lengths. Lifetime could payout a tiny amount of coin in the future and this tiny amount could be worth a awful lot.
Tip 5. Use Coupon Codes to save yourself money on contracts. (Boom you just saved 3.5%)
Tip 6 Dont cash in daily wait for highs or set goals.

Dont get stressed if you lose some "shit happens"


Hashflare Discount Code 71B81765 (My Preference)
Genesis Mining Code 3fL07i (Genesis can be good for alts like cure etc)