Annica: Buddhism and The Law of Impermanence - How to Free Your Mind

in #buddhism6 years ago (edited)


We are never stuck. Everything is always moving and in a constant state of flux. (Impermanence). The only thing that makes it seem to us sometimes that we are stuck is a belief that we are a static self. But, that is absolutely impossible. Neuroscience and quantum physics has proven that. We are constantly being recreated in every moment by interdependent causes. Our awareness is ultimately limitless.

...we are part of a natural flow that is constantly evolving ~Edward Vilga

So how do we realize this truth in our daily lives?

Anicca, Dukkha, and Anatta

Annica is the law of impermanence. Dukkha is the process of creating suffering on top of pain. Anatta is the doctrine of no-self or the absence of an abiding self (Britannica). These three things manifesting together create dissatisfaction.

When we perceive ourselves or situations through ignorance we create suffering. So, when we look at a situation as a problem we create resistance.

Old friends pass away, new friends appear. It is just like the days. An old day passes, a new day arrives. The important thing is to make it meaningful: a meaningful friend – or a meaningful day ~Dalai Lama

Of course, some situations are serious. Especially in those times the skill of clear seeing is invaluable to us so we do not add unnecessary suffering on top of what is going on so our efforts can be executed in the most efficient and thoughtful ways.

You only lose what you cling to. – Buddha


The Doctrine of Co-Dependent Arising

When we look at a situation as something that has come together through certain causes and conditions and we already know that things are in a constant state of flux we can begin to make the space in our minds for wisdom to arise.

Meditation becomes invaluable in the cultivation of these understandings. These days, I absolutely have to meditate every day. There’s no reason under the sun I can’t fit it in. Beyond that, I know, without a shadow of a doubt that everything becomes easier because of sitting practice.

Failure teaches a man how to succeed. ~From Wat Phra Singh Buddhist temple

Without consistent meditation practice the mind goes into story making mode. Then, it seems like the stories are real because of the narrative creating feature of the mind. The beginning, middle and end of a story. When we give ourselves the time to sit and practice resting in the space between thoughts we begin to understand that that all those stories are – are stories.

We begin to be able to easily deconstruct and dismantle the stories and we begin to be able to avoid them altogether. With this process out of the way we create the necessary room for wisdom to arise.


What we can then observe is exactly how conditions manifest themselves through codependent arising. We can see how the elements of situations come together, how stories get created and how to stop it so we can create whatever solutions that are appropriate and whatever actions that need to be taken.

Happiness is not something ready-made. It comes from your own actions. ~Dalai Lama


Consistency is the key to all this. Sitting every day, even if only for 5 minutes will transform your consciousness. Not to mention going on retreats at some point. That will turbo charge your consciousness. The best benefit of all this is that at some point you will realize that no situation is permanent. Sitting every day helps us remember this as well. Again, this does not mean serious situations aren’t serious. But, we gain the skill of new perception that adjusts our perspective so we can completely eradicate the stress response.

Who doesn’t want that?

You can search throughout the entire universe for someone who is more deserving of your love and affection than you are yourself, and that person is not to be found anywhere. You, yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection.– Buddha

What do you think?

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@soulsistashakti is a musical artist and writer based in NYC as well as a practitioner of Buddhist teachings. You can check out my music on my FB artist page at

Check out my blog for more essays on Buddhism and similar topics


Dukkha Dukkha Dukkha is all i see. Although i do comprehend. Nice write. In advaita it flips the scrypt to "nothing is truly impermanent" & "all times, things, etc happen now" which also ties nicely into quantum physics. Ty <3

Dukkha ceases to arise with practice and study :)

No it doesn't. Only death.

Let me rephrase that. It does cease to arise but I did not mean permanently. First of all, what enlightenment means is that dukkha absolutely will never arise again. So, then the question becomes is enlightenment truly possible? I can only speak for myself, I'm not enlightened so my answer to that is that is what the Buddha taught and that is the aim of Buddhism. I do know that I suffer much less than I used to. I'm a completely different person since taking up Buddhist practice which is why I continue to do it - I want the continued benefits. I experience dukkha at least 80% less then I did 5 years ago.

The Buddha also taught about consciousness and rebirth and I do not believe in that because I have no evidence for it.

As far as is the promise of enlightenment - which is the complete eradication of dukkha - true? I have never met an enlightened person. If I do I'll let you know :)

I hear you. I suffer less as well. I love buddhism. Facts are wonderful.

This is great thank you for sharing. He he...brilliant :) I love that what he says about "seeking." I have never labeled myself a seeker and have no desire to go to India lol.

"That which you are seeking is seeking you." ~Rumi.

I love this! 💗

I thought you would like.

"Without resistance there are no problems"

You are correct, sir! :)