The Daily Build's #61| A Curated Daily Newsletters

in #build-it4 years ago

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This is a daily newsletter from the stables of where we feature at least 3-5 high standard DIY and How-to projects/posts. Each of the featured authors will receive an upvote form @build-it (official account) to uplift their creative spirit and ultimately add value to the Hive ecosystem.

Build-it is a community-driven project, born out of the need to empower and strengthen DIY (do it yourself) projects, How-to tutorials, and life hacks. Among many others, was set up as a means to encourage and reward high-quality DIY and How-to projects.

The Daily Build's

Graphics to Build-It Community on Hive



"The idea was a new cover page, a divider and an animated image footer, the only requirement was a blue color."

Words = 142, reading time = 31secs

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Making a Hoodie out of an Old Fleece Blanket

Author: @cassidydawn


"Hey guys, I made a hoodie out of a fleece blanket that I got a while ago. I looked at a lot of different places for tips or patterns for making a hoodie but didn't find a good pattern online. Well, I hope you guys like this DIY and find it helpful if you want to make your own hoodie."

Words = 405, reading time = 1min 28secs

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Little soap hacks (and save money!)



"You know me, I love to post about DIY projects especially when they can save you money! Since I started making soaps last year, I've learned one thing: soap is soap, and it doesn't matter whether you want to call it dishwashing soap, laundry soap, shower soap, antibacterial soap, or whatever soap! Soap is just soap! Soap will always break down fat and kill germs."

Words = 324, reading time = 1min 11secs

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Needleworkmonday:: crochet-knitted chef's suit



"Today we will present how to weave a chef's suit, in honor of our cooking lovers, who constantly fascinate us with that debut and contrast of flavors that give a great taste to our palate."

Words = 433, reading time = 1min 34secs

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FOOD | Baking | Spelty Breakfast Rolls



"Have you ever just had an enormous craving for baked goods? Not any type of baked goods tho, but the kind that, when they come out of the oven, fill the entire surrounding space with a mouth-watering, delicious pinch of heaven? A smell so delicious that it throws you back to your childhood and your grandma who used to bake all the time - even though those memories might not even exist? The kind that are so light, so healthy, so tasty?"

Words = 1,843 reading time = 6mins 42secs

All featured articles/projects will receive an upvote from the @build-it account at their discretion.

Are we adding value to the HIVE ecosystem? Consider delegating some of your Hive Power to us to continue curating and rewarding DIY (do it yourself) and How-to contents/projects on the Hive Ecosystem.

|20 HP| |100 HP |500 HP| |1,000 HP

Thanks to @ashikstd, the featured authors will receive extra vote support from @minniowsupport, and @innerblocks as a tip for their hard work and also for adding value to the Hive ecosystem.

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How To Get Featured On Our Daily Newsletter And The Rewards Attached

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