
What about @Craig-Grant? I guess he hasn't used bots yet?


your power is scary my friend but your using it well these people have no right to hurt our community and profit from it.

I really don't have any power, just try to do what I can to make things better.

Just wondering but how do you have the power to do this? I'm just wondering since I'm new to steem @themarkymark. Thanks

My bots, my rules.

Guess what, trevonjb delegated all his power to upmewhale :)

Good on you sir. Send these scammers to the steemit dungeon.

I want to quote a great person (Carlos Matos): I loooooooooooooooove bitconneeeeeeeeeeeeect! :D

Looking on the trending page.. yes, you are right..
spam and scams up there:
That is advertisment. A paywall for Steem info..just.. wow..

No doubt! I think this post says it all:
The title states, "How to Earn $3200 on DTube", then after clicking the link he proceeds to beg for upvotes, and nothing else is said. The video is junk too, click bait.

Excellent Responsibility in the community to address the bad actors. Thank you Steemians!

Check out my edited parody of his most recent video below! He seems to be losing it!

He still has posts worth $50-$100, get him @berniesanders !! We dont need filth clogging up Steemit!

Thank you both I knew the whales would step in!

Lol. Sycophant.

Off topic, but this number to the right of your username - I never knew it can be negative... What did you do?

He's made it a point to be a corrosive a force here as possible. Getting that low is a real accomplishment.

Is there a synopsis of steem drama anywhere? Seems like I have a lot to catch up to.

He got into a fight with @haejin. And @haejin whale buddies. But he was negative before that also.

He doesn't deserve a voice on this platform. I hope he ends up serving time for promoting that ponzi. I'd be downvoting him if I had a little more weight on this platform. Nice that there are some good whales out there like yourself @berniesanders

Where do you find the time in your day for activities other than sucking up?

He is a scammer and I don't defend anyone at this point trying to defend his actions and follow him like a sheep nor do I feel bad that they lose their money.

@BernieSanders watch this guy @bartcardi in the next week when he cashes in his massively self-upvoted post. Most of it is just copy and paste and certainly not worth the money. He could become the next Haejin.

Exactly- this is my first time hearing about @buildawhale I like it!


Will be blacklisting him from using @booster also.
Your reasoning makes perfect sense to our company.

This is a good thing. This guy, and others like him, offer no real insight into crypto currency or the issues surrounding it. They merely used their personality to pump a scam. I congratulate you for barring them from using your tools to do it again.

Put this guy in jail!

I figured it out ! LOL Is this all cuz he's black with money and you lost a lot of your money and you all Caucasians...lml good for yall followers...cuz all I see is yall saying the two darkskin guys are to blame and need to go to jail but I've seen the bitconnect grandma (Caucasian), i've seen a guy named john (Caucasian), Kevin (Caucasian) I could provide links for you chauvinistic bastards if you want. But they are all Caucasian and no one not one person is saying put them in jail or stop them or that they are scammers... but hey if you could, I know you tighty whities would turn steemit and crypto currency into the definition of Caucasian power uckily there isn't enough of yu to win at anything. Don't attack my people it's unethical and tasteless.

I like this one!))

Keep these scammers off this platform. They could completely ruin it with their bad names.

I feel for all of those who lost money ( I was one of them )... but I'm not sure how I feel about censorship on steem. The whole idea is that we avoid centralized censorship by large groups. There's also the side of if the community agrees that a certain individual is not productive that we should ban said person. It's a very complicated issue ...

I know we are trying to evolve our system of beliefs with regards to ethics.

All rules of ethics do not carry the same weight. I think that certain rules of ethics are what I call Prime Rules. For instance, 'do not allow anyone to harm you or others if you can prevent them'.

This fear of censorship is starting to sound, to me, like the blanket answer for all dissenting voices, "You are being a racist", even if it has nothing to do with race.

If someone is using the platform to harm others (whether it is for his profit or not, since there are many motivations) all I think is important is that we ask ourselves, "What would be the decent thing to do." (Being Decent is also one of my Prime Rules - but most of the world seems to have fogotten what being decent is).

If someone is causing harm, we must stop that person, whatever his or her race, but it is also important we debate the reasons we took such action. If you see harm being done, you do not first stop to take a few years considering whether you should take action, or then you - each person harmed after you recognised the harm being scattered about you - become partly responsible for the harm caused. In a way, your silence and lack of will to stop him, is or could be said to be a form of aiding and abetting.

He - or they - are not being stopped, they are still free to cause harm, but without the aiding and abetting of "thearkymark' and his tool 'buildawhale'. It is not only his right to stop his tool being used by any of us, it is also his duty, if he wants to live with his good conscious.

Question though? Did he force people to invest? No he didn't. Did he say there were risks involved and it could crash? Yes he did. Were people stupid enough to invest a lot of money into a program that was dependent on people buying BCC to keep the price high to make the platform work? Yes they were. You can't only blame Trevon.. all he did was promote it. People followed him because most people are sheep.

If you are promoting a Ponzi scheme, you are a shithead. Doesn't matter if the people that followed were sheep. Your action of promoting a Ponzi makes you a shithead. He was and still is.

You would have made a great private at the gas ovens in Auschwitz. I didn't order anyone in, I just strongly suggested it would be in their best interest, not my fault if the sheep fell for the lies that were told.

"If you are promoting a Ponzi scheme, you are a shithead."

Can you prove he knew? Plenty didn't.

Intent is very relevant. Look up mens rea.

He did remove all his bitconnect videos from the channel. Don't be naive, he was buddies with @craig-grant.

Except the only difference wasn’t Trevon wasn’t telling the truth and people decided to gamble their money. Where your “ aushwitz reference is completely wrong since it wouldn’t be in there best interest so that would be a false promise.

The guy Made a lot of money and a lot of people lost a lot of money. That’s life brother. Just can’t be so small minded with your thoughts.

Someone needs to get minnowbooster to blacklist him to as he is making money from them everyday. Bitconnect scammers not wanted here!