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RE: Bullying Creates Emotional, Behavioral and Academic Problems for Children
Glad to see a good story on this subject. Children are in the care of the school while in school and it should be the schools responsibility to provide protection. My niece was routinely punched by other children because she was overweight. The school refused to stop it, causing her long term damage, in my opinion the school system should be sued and be held financially responsible.
I agree that schools should provide protection for the children under its care.
I was called deirdy weirdy in school and was mercilessly bullied. It wasn't until I went to secondary school, run by nuns who didn't tolerate bullying, that I actually managed to get any education. I'm not religious but I must say that convent school meant I was bullied only twice daily on the school bus. I did manage to get through it, but not completely unscathed.
Shit like that is fucking retarded. What the hell are these moronic adults doing. Great society being by coward adults who won't stop violence in raising children. Unbelievable. Thanks for the feedback.