Finished Object : Knitted Rabbit - 19 April 2024

in #burnsteem253 months ago


I'm delighted to have completed this project. It's the first time I've knitted a 'button jointed' rabbit. I used this old knitting kit for the rabbit and worked out the button joint :


I followed the instructions to the best of my ability but as you can see there are some differences in the face. I'm not sure how they get that nice stitch line ( see the red arrow ) that leads to the nose. I tried many times but it just didn't work out.

I'm actually keener on the face I chose to make because it is simpler and the nose is not so 'solid'. This face pays homage to Julie Williams' Cotton Rabbits. The Little Cotton Rabbits is a collection of many knitted toys which includes rabbits, dogs, bears, and cows amongst others. Each toy comes with an outfit but as they're all the same size you can buy other outfits as well. The patterns are not so pricey at £4, about 20 Steem, in comparison to other patterns on the market ( at double that price). One reason for the price difference may be their publication date of 2016 : they're older patterns that may be considered 'old fashion' in relation to crocheted amigurumis.

The knitting kit I used did include some bright pink yarn for a dress as well, but I haven't made it yet. I've also considered knitting a scarf for my rabbit but haven't decided on the colour (watch this space).

I'm currently thinking about my next project.


Thank you for reading !


Que bueno, ya podemos ver el resultado. ¡Quedó excelente!

¡Saludos y bendiciones!

Thank you for your comment @casv ! I was very pleased with the result too.