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RE: Niche-Free: Why You Don't Need To Find A Strict Niche Right Away — Pretty Decent

in #business7 years ago

I agree so much it casually hurts.

I think it is better to be yourself then trying to fulfill a niche. There is nuance to this discussion but often I feel like I want to be in a platform to be myself rather than be the same thing over and over, human beings are dynamic - and people are weird - we ask for the same thing from creators but get upset when we get it - what we really want is most likely a combination of known and unknown.

Known being the creator, stable, the same creative spirit, the unknown is what they call forth from the beyond. I think a lot of people give the niche advice because it is easy to focus on something small, which is good - but you may let go of the niche or resent it.

When you build the community around yourself, you are will always have space to work around yourself, which I think is excellent advice. I think in the zeitgeist of internet marketing this is an excellent counter punch to the reality of the situation.

That's what I am trying do with my Steem profile, and I think you're doing the same as well -which is refreshing to see someone else attempt it.

Really high quality article, I've been impressed by everything you've done so far - keep it up.

Also the whole "personal brand" thing is going to be a joke in 5 years, guarantee it.


I always appreciate your comments so so much! I totally agree with you re: personal branding. I’m all for being meta, but I think it’s gone on a bit too far.

When the first thing people are asked to do is define themselves into one topic or beat, all it does is discourage the hyper-creative. It works when you’re truly passionate about something, my problem is I just always feel absurdly passionate about everything all at once!

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