Negotiation: Memory

in #business7 years ago

This will hopefully be the last concept of negotiation that I want to discuss. Some negotiations are not straight forward and may span many months...


Understanding memory

Everyone has an idea what memories are. It is the things we remember and is usually classified as long term or short term memory. The human mind is extremely complex and very many things can help to determine memory. From scent to sound, all the experiences around you may work to solidify the memory for you...

What memory is, is the tiny electrical impulses that follow your neural pathways in a specific order or path. The more the path is used, the easier it becomes to remember it. Combining multiple senses could be a good way to improve memory.

There are very many ways to improve memory which I may get to at some point.


Memory is not a direct concept in negotiation. It is not something you can prepare for as you are very unlikely to know what your opponent has experienced. Rather, memory is an underlying strategy that you should be aware of. As negotiations spread out over time, it may become increasingly important to bring up things from previous sessions. Your memory will serve you well.

But why stop there? Exploit the memory and potential impact to their memory you can make. Be creative and memorable in your presentation. Be friendly, open and engaged when you are not actively negotiating. Becoming a person that they can easily recall may help when the deal is finally struck. Especially in a competitive situation.

Contest reminder!

Please feel free to engage with me in the comments below. Also read the previous entries I have done regarding negotiation...


Yes, you are completely right. Making an awesome impression to everyone you're negotiating with, and making sure they'll remember you the next time you'll meet them is very important.

It's also extremely important to remember things for yourself, and that's one of the reasons lately I've been using the "Mind Palace" technique to remember things better.

The mind palace method is pretty simple - you create a place in your imagination, whatever you want it to be, and you make sure you know everything about it, every corner and every wall.

Then whenever you want to remember something you imagine that thing and you add it in your imaginary place. For example, if you want to remember a quote from a book, you imagine that quote written on a piece of paper, really clear, and you imagine that piece of paper being on a certain table.

Whenever you'll need to remember that quote you can use your imagination to go to the piece of paper on the table, pick it up, and literally read the quote. Of course it needs some practice, and from time to time you need to imagine all the things you put in your room, in order to make sure you remember them, but it's an awesome technique.

I used it months ago, when I needed to remember, for some reason, a number. I imagined the number written one of my walls in my "mind palace", and i still remember, to this day, whenever I imagine that wall, that the number I tried to remember is 22.

That may be a really good way of remembering all kind of things from all your meetings.

Anyway, great article. Best of luck! :)

Mind Palace. I am familiar with those... I call them something slightly different, but it is a technique that I learned soon after leaving school. Needless to say, my memory retention is far above average...

Thank you for a very insightful comment that others can appreciate!

I am absolutely fascinated by the concept of memory in an entire different perspective than yours though..Memory shapes our phych, patients with dementia or memory loss/memory disorders also suffer from disrupted sleep pattern anxiety and even have worse balance than the average person.. Sorry for missing the point by a kilometer here :P

Memory is incredibly complex. It fascinates me as a former psychology student. Its complexity would take weeks to explain so I tried to put memory into the perspective of negotiations. You are correct in how memory shapes us. That is why I believe it can be harnessed in every single aspect of life...

Yeah I think so too, I will follow you, I have made some posts about memory techniques in case you want to check them out..It was nice to talk to you

I will keep an eye out...

@business-trail it is interesting how many times I have met and negotiated with people who say they have photographic memories. I think what they mean is that they have the ability to multiple sensory input to remember things in great detail. And while memory is no doubt important, emotional intelligence far outshines memory in a negotiation. Having a strong memory for detail, in combination with a strong understanding of tactic effectiveness, ultimately determine your success.

Great post, keep it up!

Well said! Negotiation never used just one aspect of your ability...

I wish we had the scientific capabilities to know how we store information and data on our brains.
When we do, physical storage will completely change

It's a passion