Do you want CASH BACK for keeping your receipts?

in #business โ€ข 7 years ago

Weekly shopping done โœ… Here's a picture of my car boot (trunk) with my shopping ๐Ÿ˜Š


Up until 2 months ago, I used to throw my receipts in the rubbish .. as you do ๐Ÿ˜‚ I mean, why would ANYONE want to keep their retail receipts, right?

Well, I came across this awesome rewards program where I can turn my receipts into REAL CASH ๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿผ HOW?

  1. Go out and do your normal shopping you would do every week. Food, Clothes, Petrol, Kids school supplies .. even FLIGHTS AND HOTELS!

  2. Hold on to your receipts

  3. Submit them into the companies system

  4. Redeem your 20% Cash Back

Ok so I hear you asking WHY would anyone want your receipts?

Because advertising companies will pay HUGE MONEY for the data in your receipts ๐Ÿ˜Š

They want to know your shopping habits! They want to know what you bought, where you bought it and how much you paid for it! ๐Ÿ˜ต it's all apart of geo-targeted advertising

Let me share 2 scenarios with you

Scenario 1:
Let me introduce you to 'Martha.' Martha has $500 (after paying the bills). She goes out and does her weekly grocery shop for her family at Aldi. She spends about $200 on groceries for her family of 6. She realises she forgot the toiletries so she pops into Woolworths and spends another $50 on toiletries and a bar of chocolate for herself as a treat. Martha then figures ๐Ÿค” might as well pop into Kmart to grab that top I saw on TV and ends up spending a further $100 because Kmart is just too awesome and she got a bit carried away ๐Ÿ˜‚ (as you do ๐Ÿ˜‚ Kmart addicts would know this). Once Jane packs her groceries and shopping into the car she realises "damn, I need petrol." So she goes to her local 7-Eleven and fills up her car. Another $100 gone.

Martha's exhausted when she gets home. After putting the shopping away, tidying up a bit and putting the roast on for family dinner, She sits down, looks at her receipts and feels like crying. WHY? Because she now only has $50 left to last till next payday which is 5 days away ๐Ÿ˜ฉ

Scenario 2:
Here we have 'Jane.' Jane also has $500 left after paying her bills. She goes and spends $200 on groceries her family of 6 need for the week. Forgets the toiletries so pops into Coles and spends another $50 on toiletries and the sneaky chocolate bar. She then heads to Big W and spends a further $100 on the kids because it's winter and they need pants or their school uniform and new school shoes. Jane then stops off at the local Shell station and puts in $100 worth of gas (premium might I add ๐Ÿ˜Š).

She then heads home, puts the groceries away and pops dinner in the oven so it's ready when the kids and hubby get home from work. After all of that she sits down, pulls out her receipts and looks at them with excitement ๐Ÿ˜Š WHY? Because Jane knows that she's apart of an amazing rewards program where she gets 20% EVERY SINGLE RECEIPT!

Not only does she have $50 left in her wallet she's also able to submit her shopping receipts into the companies system and turn them into $90 real cash! From claiming her 20% cash back ๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿผ and .. that's not even half of it! Jane has been able to share her experience with her friends and family who are also doing the same as her AND .. she's getting paid daily all because she wanted to help other families turn their receipts into cash and start getting paid daily!

Who would YOU rather be like? I know I'd rather be Jane and put money back into my familys pocket! ๐Ÿ˜ต

This was my shopping from today. I'm happy because I got to spend time with my Nan who is here from NZ. Getting Cash Back is a bonus! And to top it off, I get paid DAILY because I've been able to share this with other busy mums and dads who NEED to stick up on groceries every week.

Which one would you choose?

I want you to have a think about the 2 questions below and then message me with your answers.

How much would YOU need to make to keep your household running? And ..

If I could show you a way to reach that goal by turning your everyday receipts into cash, would you take a look into it? ๐Ÿค”

Moral of the story: DONT be like Marth. Message me to find out how you can be like Jane ๐Ÿ˜Š

Be safe, Be Humble .. Be YOU!
Mrs T