Life of Greatness Challenge Day 1: Enough was enough!

in #business7 years ago

Firstly, I got the idea for journaling here on Steemit as I progress towards reaching my goals from @valorforfreedom. With the community here I think it’s an excellent way to have some accountability and perhaps for people here to learn a thing or two as well. I’ll try to be writing my reports here on a daily basis, but there will be days I barely have time because of work.

So a little background:

I’ve known for a while that I want to have my own business later on, but haven’t really done much as of yet. Knowing that good marketing is a key cornerstone of any business, I’ve been studying it on my own for a few years. Never bothered finishing an official college education.

Have had a job doing online marketing in the past. Had to leave that job, and couldn’t find another one in that field for some time until I settled for a temporary job in a factory to get some money at least. Since it’s very easy and laid back work, I’ve gotten too comfortable and been there for over a year now.

It’s not going to get me to where I wanna go, so it was time to make a change!

I’d like to dub this challenge I’ve set for myself as the “Life of Greatness” challenge. Why? Because I know that I can be much more than I am now, in lots of different aspects of life. It’s time to step into my own greatness and create a better future for myself. I’m the only one who holds power over my future, just like you do over yours.

If you're reading this and you're not where you want to be in life, know that it's a choice to change! A choice you can make today, and then back it up with Action.  

The game plan:

I’m putting some more pressure on myself to, for now at least, get a marketing job while building my own business on the side. I’ll have to do this in between working and sports, so time management would be crucial. First thing is to get some initial articles created to launch the blog with, setup the website and social media profiles and the like.

Another big passion of mine is gaming, and have started a YouTube channel for it as well, but dropped it pretty much. It’s something I enjoy doing it, but it got too much at the time to continue. I’ll make it a part of this journey as well, though not my main goal. While I’d love to be able to do this fulltime and make money from it, I’m not exactly counting on it.

The final part of the transformation to a better me is to improve my physique and stamina. I’m not quite the dieting type as I love good food, but I’ve so far cut off soft drinks to just once per week and cut off any chips/candy. I’ve also picked up running twice a week for a month so far, and I’ve joined the 50 Runs Till May challenge here on Steemit as well. As inspired by @theaustrianguy.

Today’s Report:

As I’m writing this I only need to lay the finishing touches on my article on getting more traffic (website visitors) and engagement from Twitter, where I wrote most of the article yesterday and today.

I’ve also just put somebody to work on creating the banners for all my social media profiles. I’m a solid zero myself when it comes to designing things, so this is definitely something I’m outsourcing.

Starting writing a new article on “The Buyer’s Journey” to get to the 10 articles I want to have when launching the blog. I want to have at least 10 solid articles before launch to make sure there’s enough good content on the blog instead of having just one or two.

Currently working on writing a basic launch & post-launch plan for the blog. I’m not exactly the kind of guy to plan things out (at all), but it’s a necessary evil to be successful. I’ll outlay my goals for the first 90 days and 1 year after launch as well as a strategy to follow.

As I’m writing this I’ve got one of my YouTube gaming videos rendering. Had the gameplay recorded already, and edited the video earlier today. Shit’s taking ages though even though I’ve got a pretty high end computer.

Finally, I’m going out for dinner right now and after that it’s time to put on my running shoes again. This would be my second run for the challenge since deciding to join a week ago. Then probably would need to go again on Saturday to keep up the pace.

Aftermath and progress:

Overall I’d say today was a pretty productive day.

Just came home about 2 hours of my run for today. It was almost 8 kilometers and for the last part of my runs I take short sprints from time to time (about 20-35 meters at a time). I’ve read somewhere that high intensity training (like sprinting) creates a breathing deficit, which will improve your breathing capabilities as it recovers over the next 24-48 hours. Therefore it would help increase stamina more than long distance runs. Then again, I kinda just skimmed over the blog post, so somebody correct me if I’m (horribly) wrong.

The article I finished puts me on a total of 6 out of 10, so I’m getting closer and closer to launching. Most of the blog posts would need some images and some touching up to make the articles read smoother, but that’s something I’d like to do when writing the blog posts on the blog itself, as I’ll be able to format it correctly right away instead of having to redo it later on.

And that concludes my first reporting day.

If you're interested in following the rest of my journey, make sure you follow me on here on Steemit and give this blog post an upvote! Appreciate it!


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