
Thanks a bunch! I was and still excited about this wonderful opportunity. It’s such a cute shop and isn’t too far from me.

Appreciate your comment!

Hi again @kokibyivana :)
As a radio show researcher for @pennsif, I was wondering whether you might consider being a guest on his radio show, for a 15 minute slot? It would be a great way to highlight what you are achieving.
You can read about the show here:
The show is (obviously) about people living alternative lifestyles in some way.
Pennsif has posted a recording of his first show if you would like to listen and get a feel for it.
The show airs live Fridays, 10pm(UTC).
You can reply or find me on Discord (same name). My fingers are crossed. Much appreciated. :D

Wow, that’s a wonderful opportunity. Thank you! I would love to be a guest on his radio show but I will be a complete nervous wreck.

I’ll message you on discord later on tonight when my kiddos go to bed. 🙂

Oh, fantastic, thank you!

If I'm not around, it'll be a timezone difference thing but I will answer as soon as I am able. :)