‘Fake It ’Til You Make It’ or Maybe There’s a Better Way?

in #business7 years ago


This can apply to a number of areas of life so I can only talk about that which I perceive. Those that tell you to ‘fake it till you make it’ in the financial or business world are missing a huge truth that lies contrary to this saying. Global consciousness is being awoken at s phenomenal rate and people’s BS radars are notably on point. Yes, scammers still succeed with their ploys but the numbers will have to drop as people become more aware of what truth really looks like. Integrity counts and vulnerability is at its core. Those that wish to win in the marketplace leading tomorrow’s world therefore would do well to be authentic because every business runs on that vital currency called ‘trust’ and a reputation can take a ‘lifetime to build but only seconds to ruin.’ Just ask Gerald Ratner about this for any further verification on this. Hence being aligned to your truth is where the opportunity lies and will lie in the coming future. So why do so many flock to this superficial saying of “fake it til you make it’!?

The truth is that starting any new venture is a somewhat startling and scary process, especially when we are brought up by an education system geared towards encouraging an employee mind-set. Haters, accidental, mistaken or otherwise, come out to test any product or service that enter the marketplace. So when you see established players in your space telling you to get your message out there, network up with those influential in your industry and inspire your team with empowering leadership it can be a daunting experience. Our inner child wants us to run away in a lot of cases and our ego looks to protect us. What better way than by mimicking those successful (a commonly proposed strategy) even if it might feel wrong? The truth is discomfort comes when we move outside our comfort zones yet we all know the difference between being real and courageous and being something we’re not. ‘Courage is not the absence of fear; it is acting in spite of fear’ (Micheal Hyatt).

Maybe the saying is close but a little off point. People are drawn to truth and vulnerability. Admitting how early you are in the game can be endearing to those that have been and done the same. You don’t have to pretend to be great. You can express what you intend to create or what you are aiming to achieve in the industry and be wholly authentic to that which you truly are looking to achieve. So maybe we require an adjustment the saying, something more authentic and truthful to where we are on our journey starting out and what we believe we can achieve. This is why I prefer the phrase: ‘Faith it till you make it.’

Thanks so much for reading! Here to connect with like-minded so hit me up if this meant something to you.


Love that -- faith it will you make it :) You've collected a few interesting and motivating quotes Josh. Welcome to Steemit!

Thank you Naimaon, I will have to share more to unpack their true value to you I feel :)