What is the best sales strategy?

in #business6 years ago

the concept is simple: when you meet a client, make sure you have 3 different proposals for him so he can decide right there and then what the next step will be.

I’ll give you a short answer and a long answer to this question.
Short version: honestly, you are the best sales strategy. Sure, people buy solutions for their problems but the most important part is that they buy from people they trust, of whom they know they will do a good job.
Now, let’s dive into the long version so you understand the concept better.
Here’s a sales strategy that I have a huge closing rate with. It’s called the briefcase technique with a twist.
And the concept is simple: when you meet a client, make sure you have 3 different proposals for him so he can decide right there and then what the next step will be.

  1. Realize that cold calls are not dead. People just hate boring pitches

See, a lot of people think cold calling is dead. They say that because it hasn’t worked for them. It’s the same for cold emailing. It’s not dead, people are just doing it wrong.
Cold sales isn’t dead, great cold sellers are just a rare breed.
It’s hard to grab someone’s attention on the phone. Just like it’s hard to grab someone’s attention on the street, in a bar or anywhere else.
You need to separate yourself from others. You need to come up with a unique pitch, from start to end.
And once you have set the meeting, you prepare extremely well in order to get the most of it.

  1. Do your research, it’s essential
    Before you go to a client, you need to know who he is, what the company does, why they do it, what makes them get out of bed in the morning.
    Doing your research is a lot of work, sure. But it’s the one thing that will again separate you from the guys that have no idea what they’re doing wrong.
    Sure, there are people out there that don’t need to prepare. Or at least they think they don’t have to. Those are usually the people with a low close rate.
    Researching your client also helps you to make better proposals. And when you know how to make great proposals, you will definitely improve your close rate.
  2. Impress your client with your proposals
    It was easy. It was quick. And it was terrible for my close rate.
    When you prepare well, people will realize you’re great to work with. If you go the extra mile to sign them, you will go the extra mile once you’ve signed them (and actually do this! Seriously, you will have to sell a lot less in the future if you treat your customers right. They will stay longer, they will love you and refer you to other companies).
    They can then sign the deal within Better Proposals or just send you a confirmation through email. Whatever they need to do. They can also immediately pay through the tool, which is great to get your cash quickly.
  3. Analyze and repeat
    You won’t sign your first potential client. Maybe not even the second, third and fourth. It’s all a numbers game. But it gets easier over time.
    Analyze what you do and the results you get from it. Eventually, you will find that every potential client is different and needs a different approach. But that’s all part of the process.
    Now, go out and sell! You’ll love every second of it.