the ranks of the board of directors BNI new

in #busy7 years ago

Jakarta, (homework) .- University state Bank of Indonesia (persero) Tbk (BNI) decided the use of profit 2017 for USD 13,62 trillion as the dividend to shareholders 35% or equivalent USD 4,77 trillion. BNI also do overhaul the composition of commissioners and directors. the decision has been approved general meeting of shareholders (AGM) 2017. "the use of profit 2017 for USD 13,62 trillion is to dividends by 25% of the net profit or USD 3,4 trillion and dividends and deals for 10% or USD 1,36 trillion. so that the total dividends 35% or USD 4,77 trillion set as cash dividend distributed to shareholders," said the director of the main BNI Achmad baiquni after the meeting on Tuesday March 20, 2018 afternoon. special dividends the government of ownership of 60% of shares will be deposited into account cash general state in the form of dollars in bi. while 65% of the net profit or USD 8,85 trillion will be used as a balance retained earnings. BNI recorded performance positive throughout 2017 with the achievement net profit consolidated for USD 13,62 trillion. this figure grow 20,1% in the year on year (YoY) compared of profit 2016 for USD 11,34 trillion. AGM also approved the acceptance of accountability report the realization of the public offering bonds sustainable I BNI stage 1 2017 for USD 3 trillion. composition of the board of directors BNI as step refresher board, the AGM also agree to overhaul the ranks of commissioners and the board of directors. AGM dismiss respectfully the priest Budi sarjito and flag irawan of his position as a director of the company and raised sigit widyawan as independent Commissioner. "the AGM approve and raised tombok parulian setyawati simanjuntak, endang hidayatullah, and dadang setiabudi as the board of directors," he said. thus, the composition of commissioners and the board of directors BNI are as follows: board of commissioners: chief Commissioner / independent Commissioner: Ari kuncoro deputy chief Commissioner: revelation kuncoro Commissioner: bistok simbolon Commissioner: marwanto harjowiryono independent Commissioner: revrisond baswir Commissioner: Joni swastanto independent Commissioner: pataniari siahaan independent Commissioner: Ahmad fikri assegaf independent Commissioner: sigit widyawan board of directors: managing director: Achmad baiquni vice President: herry sidharta director of corporate banking: putrama wahju setyawan retail banking director: tambok P. S. simanjuntak small business and network: chess Budi harto director of the Treasury and international: Rico Rizal budidarmo finance director: anggoro eco cahyo director of information technology and operational: dadang setiabudi director of institutional relationships: Adi sulistyowati director risk management: Bob tyasika Ananta compliance director: endang hidayatullah