[Manual Curation 101] Art tag - My criteria to vote on these posts

in #busy6 years ago (edited)

I get a lot of discord messages every day from newbies asking me to vote on their posts. That´s ok, I actually encourage people to send me links to their posts every once in a while. The thing is, most of those posts do not fulfill my criteria to vote on them so, to be honest, they are just wasting theirs and my time by sending me those posts.

I´m going to start making these kind of posts talking about the specifics of each of the most popular tags around so everyone knows what do I expect from a newbie´s post in order to curate it. At first I wanted to do it on video but sadly my laptop is very limited and I can´t use OBS while opening a lot of tabs in order to curate easierly.

What I´m going to do is spread some votes among the various posts I find while browsing the art tag and explain why am I voting on them and why am I voting with that percentage.

Now, these set of criteria I use to vote, is not a step by step guide that you should follow in order to get a vote from me. I´m 100% in favor of people posting what they want, when they want and how they want to do it, I am just putting this information out because that is how I base my decision whether to vote or not on a post and what percentage I vote it with.

This is not a rule book and definitely should not be taken as law, I am going to make these type of posts to answer all these questions I get of what do I take into account when curating certain tags.

Curating the art tag

My personal criteria when voting on this kind of posts is very strict. The art tag is one of the most used tags and it is also one of the most abused - I´m not basing this statement on any data, just based on my personal experience while browsing this topic.

1 - Original artwork: This means the art must not be plagiarism. Some people take artwork from the web and portray it as theirs, so the first thing I do is to reverse-search the picture in order to find out if it hasn´t been taken from another website.

2 - Steemit original: This one is a bit controversial between my fellow curators - highly staked and not so high - because there are some people who have their own deviantart.com account (to mention one of the hundreds of art website there are out there) and also publish the very same art pieces on Steemit. While some people may curate these authors, I rather vote on Steemit exclusive content. The reason is very simple: I prefer to reward Steemians that create art to specifically upload it Steemit because then, you know it hasn´t been monetized before - in contrast to someone that may already has art pieces monetized in another website or maybe even monetized their Instagram account. This is just a personal preference but it´s definitely not the most popular criteria among other curators.

3 - I tend to vote more oftenly on posts that include the art process depicted with photographies of the step by step art creation. The reason I prioritize this kind of posts above other types is because we, as readers (or watchers?, maybe admirers?) can follow the authors path and it also gives the post a bit more body, it enriches the experience of admiring the art work.

4 - If instead of including pictures of the process, the author decides to record the process, I completely fall in love with the post, because then I can follow the artist during the whole creation. I can see where the artist hesitated, when he/she decided to make a turn, when they decided to use certain color etc. I get to live the art creation with them, which is an amazing experience.

5 - Description of the art: I find it amazing when an artist decides to share with us what made him/her go for a certain style, what made her/him choose those colors, when did she/he realized the art was going in X direction etc. It´s all about the engagement the artist wants to create with their audience.

6 - When the artist takes a picture of the art piece with him/her in it. I realize not everyone wants to be portrayed along their art, but it is always nice to see this happening. Especially because this bullet point makes it easier for the curator to actually be certain the artwork belongs to the Steemian.

7 - The post title: I know you are not a writer, but when an artist makes an effort to actually write an appealing title, it is easier for a curator to be interested in the post. Quick example: Would you be more interested in a post named "Forest Painting" or in a post named "The natural beauty of an oak tree during an autumm evening"? Do you see my point? The title is as important as the art, because the title - along the thumbnail - is what is going to get the curator interested in your post.

I am not an artist, I am a curator and I am not here to judge the art quality but the post quality and the way people present it, and by that judgement I decide the weight I give to the post.

None of these bullet points are mandatory for me to curate art posts, but certainly fulfilling a higher percentage of them makes it easier for me to vote with a bigger weight on these posts.

@saracampero - Developing the creativity in classes | Happy Hen turotial

This post caught my attention because of the title and the thumbnail that included the Steemian, her username and the art piece.
This post is not about the art quality, but about the effort made in taking pictures of the process and describing a bit each step, it even includes what materials you should get in order to make one yourself! The post markdown makes it easy to read and the way she closes the post is nice, it´s not about here is my art and that´s it but more about how it can help children to engage on these kind of activities.
What would I add to the post: Perhaps I would suggest the artist to make each step description a bit more thorough in order to make the experience richer.
Vote weight given: 40%.

@petterjosph - Mis inicios en el realismo

This drawing was made in 2012 by this Steemian who crosschecks his other social media accounts with his Steemit account. The artwork is very good and the description he includes in spanish talks about how he started to make realist posts and what obstacles he faced while doing it.
What would I add to the post: Pictures of the process. It is a complex pencil drawing and I would very much enjoy to see how he dealt with the coloring. A picture of him holding the pic would also be nice.
Vote weight given: 10%.

@eliu - El grito del pobre negro


In here, the artist signs the art with his username, so that is a nice touch. I like the idea of introducing the drawing with a small flavor text of what the author was thinking when he made the art piece. It includes a black and white process which actually allows the reader to appreciate the step by step creation.
What would I add to the post: Descriptions for each step. Perhaps continuing the small story he started at the beginning of the post, it would be amazing to see the story develop as the drawing takes form. I would also include some engagement with the audience.
Vote weight given: 15%.

@rinkashica - Illustration step by step - White Queen Anne Hathaway

This is not an original drawing but the author actually states she used a guide image and it´s not trying to portray the art as her´s, but it more about the process she followed to make a depiction of an already existing art piece.
She tells us why she decided to make this piece, the materials she used and how she did each step. The cool part is that she tells us what was going through her mind while drawing Mrs. Hathaway and between each of the steps, I really like this parts of the post.
She actually takes the time to make a username tag to include it in every step of the process, so we are sure it was her who made the drawing.
What would I add to the post: This post would´ve gotten an even bigger vote if the drawing was made without using a guide image, but overall this is a great post.
Vote weight given: 40%.

This is it for today Steemians. I hope this gave you and insight of what do I look for when curating the art tag.

I used the pictures of every post I curated to make the post more more engaging, if any of the authors wants me to remove it from my post please let me know.


I agree with your voting criteria because I find it difficult to figure out if the work being shared is actually theirs or if it was taken so I like seeing many progress shots. Also, as an artist I think it’s fun to see someone else’s technique through their process. I actually really enjoy watching time lapse videos or prerecorded live stream.

@vermillionfox I don´t know who came up with the process shots but that person is a genius, finally we can see first hand how an artist works :)

Thanks @anomadsoul for taking into account my pretty hen, almost a month ago I started this small educational project in order to promote the creativity of the children of our Steemains, where you can easily do this work with the help of an adult. It's very fun anyone can try. Once again thank you for supporting my work, I will continue striving every day to be taken into account again, thanks for the support to the community and for your advice and recommendations. A thousand thanks, I'm very happy! God bless you always.


@saracampero you rock, your post was awesome! I hope you don´t mind I used the image :P Keep making great content, thanks for being a high quality content creator, we need more of those on Steemit.

Thank you for appreciating my publication @anomadsoul , and, for supporting the original content, this is a small educational project that allows children to approach the artistic work accompanied by adults, started with this, 3 weeks ago, I have shared several tutorials, very all beautiful. Quiet I can use the photos you want, it does not bother me at all, you are making me feel very moved and motivated to continue promoting education through art, Once again thanks for the support, you are welcome in my blog whenever you want. God bless you and your family always.

@saracampero thank you for making such awesome content!

Thanks to you really! @anomadsoul that support means a lot to me and my family, I am from Venezuela, I will be infinitely grateful for everything he has done for me, and I invite you to visit my new creations, I hope you like them and that you give me all the recommendations and suggestions . Thanks for supporting my original content. You have to see my new multipurpose shoes. God bless you.


You got a 1.33% upvote from @oceanwhale With 35+ Bonus Upvotes courtesy of @steemcaptcha! Delegate us Steem Power & get 100%daily rewards Payout! 20 SP, 50, 75, 100, 150, 200, 300, 500,1000 or Fill in any amount of SP Earn 1.25 SBD Per 1000 SP | Discord server

Nice idea to post a little information why you vote on what - Maybe that will encourage some people to make better posts if they see what you f.e. find better ;) Maybe I should do the same for #deutsch at a day in the near future :) Greets man

I´m not sure how I came up with the idea but this morning I got quite a load of messages with post links and I thought it would be a good idea to increase the post quality at least among my art creating followers. Considering nowadays Steeming behaviour I think we need to encouragea bit more those who create great content. It would be awesome to see your take while curating content under the #deutsch tag :D

Holy shit, @anomadsoul! I've been thinking about this very post for a few weeks and you've just written exactly my thoughts on the art tag, even more comprehensively than I could have. Art on Steemit is my own, personal most coveting treasure of the site. I have a ridiculously high standard for what gets my 100% vote. Even amongst my close friends in real life on Steemit. My Steemit posts typically take around and hour. Thanks for sharing. Resteemed.

This post took the same time my brother watched Django unchained and it's not even my art! I completely understand how hard it can be to create good art whether it is paintings, sculptures, photography or even a good write up. I find it sad when a good artist doesn't realize the importance of how you present your art... Because the art might be great but if you don't know how to sell it then you won't get as many votes as you would. It can be stressful for artists to spend hours on a painting and to get the votes because of they way they present it :(

Lol that holy shit sounded authentic :D

Thanks for the big vote and the resteem! I hope you getting those rookie numbers up!

This is going to be a seminal year for me @anomadsoul. I've been a photographer for the last 18 years and it's a great gig, but deep down I've wanted to comic book illustration, writing and design since I was a little kid. I just did my last big photography tour of the year and I released a book. I feel those things are appropriate end marks to make the transition. I'm taking a significant portion of my crypto out in late June or early July, and that'll be my money to live off of. So much of my photography work is a hamster wheel and this'll be my attempt to get off, finally. I'll always love photography [....and I'll still do it occasionally, on my terms], but comics is what I feel my purpose has always been. I must be the only nerd on earth that photographs beautiful women in lingerie and secretly wants to be huddled up in a room writing and drawing comics. HAHA!

Yeah, though. Give me a few weeks and you'll see those rookie numbers way up. I'm aiming for a page a day including tons of @dlive streams and sketch warm ups. I can't wait.

That is awesome! I saw your comic book post yesterday and truth to be told I´m getting more and more interested in comics lately. That plan of yours sounds pretty appealing, to get off the comfort zone and to pursue one´s dreams is one of the best decisions there are out there. Also, good choice going with dlive :D

You're right. It is very important to know how to sell your production

As it should be @mllg !

Sadly plagiarism is everywhere and a lot of tags seem to be struggling with it. Gaming tends to have a fair amount of it in there as well. People just copy/paste entire articles and what do they think no one will notice? Video format especially with all stuff going on over on YouTube of bots just downloading and uploading thousands of stolen content per day and finding other sites to do the same on.

I definitely would agree things like art/photos need more content into why was it taken, thoughts of the artist, backstory of the creation. Quite many great photos being shard on steemit but very little text to accompany them. It seems like it be a simple step to step up the work by including that.

You are quite courage leaving yourself open to all the people wanting to link drop you something. I personally found it annoying and do my best to limit it.

Soemtimes the plagiarism is so obvious i can´t help but think "am i being taken for a fool or is this person really living under a rock thinking this can pass as original?".

Yeah, i mean, the photos and the drawings speak for themselves but to be honest, with all the great content out there and the competition being so fierce, everyone has to bring everything to the table and make an even bigger effort to stand out from the bunch.

Desearía tener 1 millón de SP para votarte esta publicación. No sabes lo valioso que es para mi leer el proceso de curación que aplicas porque se que muchos curadores hacen lo mismo. Ojalá hubieses podido hacer el video grabando la pantalla mientras lo haces. Pero de igual manera me encantó.

La semana pasada haciendo una publicación de uno de mis dibujos tenia muchas dudas sobre si debería describir o solo mostrar las imágenes del proceso. Además tenia dudas con respecto a los títulos, si deberían ser simples y directos al grano, o podían ser mas elaborados.

Ahora siento que me diste Luz y respondiste muchas de mis dudas, muchísimas gracias por crear este tipo de contenido para ayudarnos a crecer dentro de la plataforma. ¡Un gran abrazo virtual!

Aque bueno que te sientes así y que este post pudo ayudarte! En realidad son métricas no reglas, pero claro, la opinión de alguien mas siempre nos ayuda a nosotros a mejorar y a quizás pulir detalles en nuestros posts que quizás ni siquiera habíamos notado. Gracias a ti por pasarte por mi post y comentar!

OK @anomadsoul, this has me thinking. I follow quite a lot of the principles you outline but have, after the post goes stale, shared a caricature on Facebook with my followers there. After reading this, I feel that this must cease!!
It can be get quite frustrating as one tries to get a following on Steemit and adding charicartures that can take many hours to do and find that it attracts minimal comments and freedback. But I am persevering until my reputation grows.
Thanks for the post. I will do some introspection!!

Hey, it´s great that you share it with your faebook friends but have you thought of actually sharing the Steemit post? That way you still share with your pals your art AND are giving Steemit some visibility and perhaps more people will adopt it :D

good idea....I'll do that next time.

Thanks for this curation guide.. I do follow these guidelines when posting art.. but not the video of the progress (only pictures) because of two reasons, first I need to remain anonymous and second I have a lack of a good camera (my phone camera only works well outside when recording video).
I believe this will help a lot of newbies to step up their games, as they may not yet be aware of the things that others are looking at while curating..
It's a learning process.. Btw you said this:

I know you are not a writer... (about picking the title)

But that doesn't have to be the case, I write a lot (and I believe I can call myself a writer by now) but I am also an artist .. No need to choose lol .. just sayin' ;)
You got me inspired to finish my latest piece of art, as it has been a few days already.. so thanks for bringing up the art thing at 7 am to me!

Appreciate your efforts on curating and helping new Steemians, Eric! b( ̄▽ ̄)d
Like to see this transparency from you!


@anomadsoul i have made a post for you with the art tag ....
Here is step by step procedure :

This is pretty good man, thanks, just left a comment on your post!

Thanks for you like my art and thanks for dropping by....means alot to me man...