What is the shortest sentence in English? How long does a pig orgasm last? What do Peter Pan and 101 Dalmatians have in common? Is there any meaning to the legs of the sculpted horse? And why should the cat fall from the 20th floor? Here are some interesting and bizarre facts you may not have known ...

studies show that if a cat falls seventh, it has a 30% lower chance of surviving the fall than a 20-year-old cat. The explanation is based on the assumption that the cat takes eight floors to understand what is happening, to relax and correct the angle of the fall.**
Ostrich's eye is bigger than her brain.
Pig orgasm lasts 30 minutes.
To date, '101 Dogs and Thieves' and 'Peter Pan' are the only two Walt Disney cartoons that both parents are present and do not die during the film.
To escape the crocodile's jaws, it is recommended to push thumbs into his eyes and he will release you almost immediately from his jaws.
If a horse has one front leg in the air, the person dies as a result of wounds sustained during the battle, and if the horse is standing on its four legs, it means that the person died of natural causes .
No word in English does not rhyme with: month / orange / silver / purple
'I' in English (ie, 'I') is the shortest sentence in English.
Mel Blanc, who likened the cartoon rabbit Bugs Bunny, did not like carrots, but needed to gnaw at the living vegetable as long as he talked the figure.
The first bomb fired by Allied armies on Berlin, during World War II killed the only elephant in the Berlin Zoo.
More people die of lightning than sharks.
More people are killed every year because of donkeys than in air accidents.
The average person fell asleep within 7 minutes.
Whenever you lick a bull, you need 1/10 calorie.
'Canada' is an Indian word meaning 'big village'.
His mother and kangaroo can not go back, that's why they appear on the Commonwealth emblem of Australia and represent the motto "Australia Progressive!"
Cats can produce more than 100 sounds, dogs can only produce 10.
All the hedgehogs float in the water.
Cat's urine glows in ultraviolet light.
Every king in the deck of cards represents a great historical king. The king of the leaf is identified with King David, the king of clover identified with Alexander the Great, the king of the heart is identified with Charlemagne or Charles VII and the King of Diamonds is associated with Julius Caesar.