A brief introduction to the Beidouchain 北斗链简介

in #busy7 years ago (edited)


The third generation block chain based on the transaction engine, the enterprise level block chain science and technology application platform.

In the "13th Five-Year" national informatization planning ", block chain technology has entered the development strategy of our country in the future. The most valuable business systems in the future will be built on the block chain. The block chain will become the core driving force of the third business model reform after the traditional Internet and mobile Internet.

After the bitcoin and the ether workshop, the third generation block chain will really fall into the enterprise, and integrate with the core business of the enterprise and other information systems. The most urgent requirements for the block chain technology in enterprises are: safe, reliable and easy to use. It is necessary to ensure the safety of digital assets and avoid bifurcations and other technical problems. It also needs enough developers and development tools to quickly develop, deploy quickly, maintain simply and integrate with other information systems.

Is there a block chain solution that is suitable for the rapid landing of the enterprise?

The Beidou chain is to adapt to the needs of the enterprise, and is born in an enterprise level block chain technology open and application platform. And creatively put forward the concept of "trading engine", to adapt to the diverse needs of different enterprises to the diversification of the block chain.

What is the trading engine?

After the trading engine is an intelligent contract, there is a major breakthrough in the area of the block chain. It abstracts trading rules from different industries into transaction models. Enterprises only need to call one or more combinations of engines to configure different parameters in the business system, so that they can meet individual needs of different enterprises.

At present, the trading engines in the dipper chain are divided into two categories: the basic trading engine and the advanced trading engine.

The basic trading engine is the basic component of the Beidou chain trading engine. Include:

  1. smart asset engine 2) authority control engine 3) geographic information engine

  2. streaming media engine 5) real name authentication engine 6) National dense algorithm engine

In response to more complex transactions, the Beidou chain has planned the following advanced trading engines.

Transaction type 1:1 trading engine type common transaction guarantee transaction atomic transaction

Transaction type 1:N or N:1 trading engine type public financing transaction fund management bidding and auction transaction voting transaction

Trading type N:N trading engine type matching transaction forecast market gambling transaction insurance transaction

The block chain technology services provided by the Beidou chain for enterprises include:

1, public chain assets issuance; help enterprises to issue their own digital assets, and efficiently and low cost, and achieve business mode transfer from traditional mode to "quasi financial" mode.

2, private chain deployment; customizing and deploying private chain network for enterprises, helping enterprises establish and maintain network nodes, and realize the deep integration of block chain application and other information systems of enterprises.

The advantages of the Beidou chain enterprise service:

1, rich parameter configuration and rapid deployment;

2, complete development interface;

3, the cost of enterprise is low.

The Beidou currency is a localized currency issued on the Beidou chain's own public chain. The Beidou coin is the pay currency of the Beidou chain miner, and it is also the payment currency for the service charge of the Beidou chain.

The operation mode of the "Beidou currency, the total fixed reduction issue, publicly traded", the largest circulation theory is 500 million, of which 84% using pattern mining to issue foreign miners, without any pre excavation, daowa "risk.

With the increase of the Beidou chain landing project, the application scope of Beidou chain is more diversified, and the demand for Beidou coins increases, and the scarcity of Beidou will also become stronger. The price and value of the Beidou currency will continue to rise and have a great investment value after the Beidou currency has been traded on a number of large international exchanges.

The Beidou chain is a set of bottom block chain platform jointly developed by the international most advanced block chain technical experts.

Zhang Lei, the founder of the project, graduated from Peking University and has more than 20 years of experience in technical research and development management. It has been engaged in IT architecture design and IT Consulting for a long time. The concept of "block chain business analysis" was proposed for the first time. At present, it is a lecturer of block chain technology for many financial institutions and educational institutions.

Beidou chain technology since its birth, has passed the detection of American bitcoin Research Institute, in the district block chain Technology Association, Zhongguancun, Tsinghua University, Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, block chain alliance, the Ministry of industry and Telecommunications Research Institute, and was highly regarded. In October 2017, the second China block chain technology innovation application award was awarded.

The authoritative experts evaluate the Beidou chain and the Beidou coin.

Mario. Mendoza president of the American bitcoin Institute

The "Beidou coin" not only retained the advantage of bitcoin, but also avoided the risk of technological bifurcation. It will become an important member of the big family of digital money in the world.

Mattew Graham ether Fang community core member SINOGLOBAL Capital CEO

"I teach on the same platform with the founder of Beidou chain. Their innovative ideas and understanding of technology are admirable. Beidou chain can be comparable with Ethernet in many places.

Dean Dr. Yu Bin Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications Science and Technology Research Institute president China financial Online

The Beidou chain developed by Zhang Lei team can be widely recognized and applied in the field of financial science and technology.

The application case of the Beidou chain enterprise shows:

Case 1, Lighting Ant Market of the lightning ant Market

Block chain e-business platform based on the development of the Beidou chain

Case two, Kaka integral

A general integration platform based on the development of the Beidou chain

Case three, Budweiser


1)智能资产引擎 2)权限控制引擎 3)地理信息引擎
4)流媒体引擎 5)实名认证引擎 6)国密算法引擎
交易类型 1:1交易 引擎类型 普通交易 担保交易 原子交易

交易类型 1:N或N:1交易 引擎类型 众筹交易 基金管理 招投标 拍卖交易 投票交易
交易类型 N:N交易 引擎类型 撮合交易 预测市场 博彩交易 保险交易


北斗币是是在北斗链自己的公有链上发行的一种本地化货币。 北斗币是北斗链矿工的工资的支付货币,也是北斗链企业服务费用支付的支付货币。



项目创始人 张蕾,毕业于北京大学,20多年技术研发管理经验,长期从事IT架构设计、IT Consulting。首次提出“区块链业务分析”的概念。目前担任多家金融机构、教育机构的区块链技术讲师。


Mario. Mendoza 美国比特币研究院院长

Mattew Graham 以太坊社区核心成员 SINOGLOBAL Capital CEO

于斌 博士 北邮在线总裁 中国金融科技研究院院长

案例一、闪电蚂蚁市场Lighting Ant Market