Meien financial reporter of Beidouchain founder Zhang Lei interview 美恩财经记者对北斗链创始人张蕾专访

in #busy7 years ago


In today's circle block chain technology, Ethernet square and its intelligent contract theory very influential. The team led by Zhang Lei has developed a set of chain platform called the Beidou chain. However, it has not publicize the intelligent contract, but put forward the concept of intelligent engine. The main financial reporter to interview Zhang Lei.

Reporter: the ether square is currently a benchmark in the area of block chain technology, and many other block chains are vying for intelligent contracts.

Support, you and your Beidou chain put forward different solutions, what has given you the courage?

Zhang Lei: the real beginning of block chain is two years. For a industry, the time is very short. It shouldn't be too early to define a product or technology as an industry standard. From the perspective of IT technology development, from the operation system, compiling system to database system, these underlying technology platforms have been stabilized after many iterations of technology, and many early technological innovations have become martyrs. Therefore, in the early stage of the development of block chain technology, many solutions and technical routes should be allowed to coexist.

Reporter: what is your attitude to the ether Fang? Is the dipper chain regarded as a competitor?

Zhang Lei: actually, I like AI Tai Fang very much. I often use the Tai Fang purse. I also have reserves of Ethernet coins or the developers of the community in Itai Fang. The intelligent contract theory of AI Tai Fang is a milestone in the development of block chain. It makes our conceived "block chain programming" infinite possibility. The ether workshop is also the object of the study of our Beidou chain.

From the perspective of technology understanding, I believe that the virtual machine and intelligent contract practice of AI Tai Fang is not the best solution. At least, there are loopholes in the safety field. Turing complete is a double-edged sword, giving developers too much freedom and too many security risks.

Reporter: how do you understand the safety of the block chain? Do you think bitcoin is safe?

Zhang Lei: security is the most basic requirement of the block chain. The security of the block chain can be divided into two levels at least, one is data security and the security of the assets; and the two is the network security.

Bitcoin is a relatively closed system. Its bottom layer is protected by strict cryptography technology and is high in the security of data. Now the miners are becoming more and more powerful, "bifurcation" has become the main solution to the contradiction, so I compare the network security of special currency or worry.

Reporter: how does the Beidou chain solve the security problem?

Zhang Lei: we add a rule layer between the data layer below the block chain and the contract layer above. The Beidou chain is achieved by enhancing the rules to achieve security enhancement, which is achieved by intelligent engine.

The first engine is the basic engine, mainly including intelligent assets, authority control, transaction constraints, geographic information, real name authentication, streaming media transmission, and national secret algorithm.

The second engine is a trading engine. In order to deal with complex transactions, we abstract the different business scenarios of the enterprise and write the engine instead of the intelligent contract. The benefit of the trading engine is to meet the diversified needs of the enterprise and improve the security of the transaction. Find a balance between functionality and security. We think it is more suitable for the needs of the enterprise.

Reporter: the transaction engine and the intelligent contract all have the code, all are dealing with the transaction logic, what is the essential difference?

Zhang Lei: explain it vividly. Intelligent contracts are like free contracts. Both parties draw up contracts, and both sides rely on their own expertise to ensure the safety of the contract. The transaction engine is like a format contract, and the two parties fill in the information on a mature contract template, and the security of this contract is greatly improved. Many people seem to have a bias against the format contract. Actually, in our daily life, all kinds of assets and transaction contracts are standard contracts, such as house purchase contracts, vehicle sales contracts, stock trading contracts, insurance contracts, financial contracts, etc. The format contract is usually written by the government department or the industry organization. It is the crystallization of human intelligence and is a protection for both parties.

Reporter: according to your idea, we should abstract all the rules of the business into a trading engine. Should there be a lot of it?

Zhang Lei: first of all, the block chain does not meet all the needs of the enterprise, and there are many trading models that are not very suitable for the block chain. The trading rules that can be realized on the block chain are divided into groups.

The first is 1:1 transactions between individuals and individuals, such as ordinary transactions, atomic transactions, secured transactions, and so on.

The second is the transaction of 1:N or N:1 transactions between individual and multiplayer, such as public management, fund management, bidding, auction, voting and so on.

The third is the transaction of N:N between multi - and multi - person transactions, such as matching transactions, gambling, insurance, and so on.

Summed up, also on the more than 20 engine, enterprises, according to their own needs, to call a combination of one or more engines can meet the different transaction needs.

At present, the Beidou chain team has realized 3-5 transaction engines, and more engines need to develop communities and partners, together with the participation of customers.

Reporter: the last question, what do you think about the recent rise in the price of the special currency and the investment advice?

Zhang Lei: bitcoin has become the real currency of circulation no matter the attitude of the governments of the world and the circulation in the market.




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