Talk about the blockchain | Beidou chain founder Zhang Lei from the essence of technology and philosophy of Technology 从技术本质和技术哲学谈区块链 | 北斗链创始人张蕾

in #busy7 years ago

Opening: about the nature of the block chain, talk about my understanding and opinion. No matter how crazy the industry is, technology will always be the foundation of the development of the industry. And I found that most of the friends lack genuine knowledge about the bottom of the technology. I think that whether it is fried money, or do the project, I use ten minutes to make a summary of the block chain technical characteristics, I hope to give you some inspiration. Industry cattle can be ignored!

The essence of block chain in technology

The essence of the block chain in technology is a "network software". The block chain software is installed on a server called the node. Multiple nodes are installed the block chain software, which will find each other and establish a connection. (a node is not connected to all nodes; the number of common connections is 8-32)

Each node server has a database system that preserves all historical transaction records on the block chain network, which we call "books". The contents of all the nodes are the same. Now the block chain is a quiet, stable American man.

Suddenly, there is a change on the block chain, which can be within a node or between two nodes. The change in this transaction is simply to understand that A transfers a currency to B. The new trade fair spread across the network through connections between nodes. If the transaction is in advance, it will be accepted by other nodes, otherwise it will be rejected. This process is called the "consensus process". Now the contents of each node are the same, and the network is quiet and stable. This is the technical nature of the block chain.

The philosophy of block chain technology

The block chain is not mysterious or complex on the technical implementation. From bitcoin, the world has already written similar programs by hundreds of teams. But the philosophy of technology in the chain of blocks is a matter of attention.

I summed up the philosophy of the block chain to three points:

  1. completely transparent.

As long as you are on the block chain network, you can see all the past and future transactions of the block chain. Of course, your behavior will be seen by others.

  1. tending to be stable.

Block chain is a network that tends to be stable. No matter how the transaction changes or even hacker attacks, the computing direction of the whole network is to achieve consensus as much as possible, and make the network stable and quiet.

  1. elastic network.

Anyone can leave the network at any time, or enter the network at any time. The whole block chain will not change any time because of your arrival and departure.

These three points are the most valuable features of the philosophy of the block chain technology, as if they are not particularly complex and powerful. But if you look at the above words in reverse order, I want you to establish a completely transparent and stable elastic network. You will never write a block chain program.

This is one of the ideas I have been sharing: the technological innovation of the block chain is earlier than our general knowledge. It also explains why Lang Xianping's prediction is always wrong. It is not the problem of Professor Lang's professional ability, but the theoretical research of all traditional economists on the block chain later than the technology philosophy of the block chain.

Reflection: the learning software knows that the first lesson of the university computer textbook is "Software is an art", that is, the software is the mapping of our real life. What kind of real life do you think the block chain is? I haven't found the answer at the moment.

The relationship between block chain and society

Our real life organizations, such as the government and the army, are highly centralized. There are also some loose organizations that try to downplay the flavor of the center, such as associations, clubs and so on. We hope to achieve some weak centralization. There are also some NGO, such as the United Nations, what the director general / secretary general, in fact, is self consolation. That is to show that centralization is one of our organizational needs, but the human society itself is unable to establish such an organization.

The technical means of the block chain have let us see a kind of hope. This is the cause of the fickleness of the whole society, especially a social, economic, management - related person's overreaction to the block chain.

Code system social system

An example: my friend and business partner, we verbally agreed the profit distribution plan, this is the "rule of man"; we set up a company, to restrict the distribution of profits according to the shares of the company, if there is a default, I can sue him, this is the "rule of law"; our friends to build a chain block network for the company's financial statements, the company account once the financial account, a contract, automatically according to the proportion of the company accounts according to the proportion allocated to each shareholder, this is the "code of governance". Many people believe that the code is more trustworthy and more fair, so there is an inexplicable worship of the block chain.

The above mentioned two kinds of block chain technology in the social mapping, one is to the central organization, the other is the code governance society. There is no case in reality, but the block chain is implemented by technology.

开场白:关于区块链的本质,谈谈我的理解和看法。 无论行业如何疯狂,技术永远是这个行业发展的根基。而且我发现大部分朋友对技术底层缺乏真切的认知。我认为无论是炒币,还是做项目,我用十分钟把区块链技术特性做个总结,希望能给大家一些启发。 行业大牛可以忽略!


突然,区块链上发生了一个变动,可以是一个节点内部的,也可以是两个节点之间。这个交易变动,简单理解就是 A给B转一个币。这个新交易会迅速通过节点之间的连接传遍整个网络。如果这个交易符合预先的规则,就会被其它节点接受,否则会被拒绝。 这个过程我们叫做“共识过程”。 现在各个节点的账本内容又一样了,网络又安静和稳定了。 这就是区块链的技术本质。



  1. 完全的透明。

  2. 趋向稳定。

  3. 弹性网络。


反思:学习软件的都知道,大学计算机教材第一课是“Software is an art”,也就是软件是我们现实生活的映射。你们觉得区块链是哪种现实生活的映射呢?目前我还没找到答案。




一个例子来说明: 我和朋友合伙做生意,大家口头约定了利润分配方案,这是“人治”; 我们成立一个公司,根据公司股份来约束利润分配,如果有人违约,我可以起诉他,这是“法治”; 我们朋友构建一个区块链网络用于公司财务结算,公司账户一旦有财务到账,有个合约,自动按比例把公司账户金额按比例分配给各个股东,这就是“代码治理”。 很多人相信代码更可信,更加公平,所以会对区块链有种莫名的崇拜。
上面说了两种区块链技术在社会中的映射,一种是去中心化组织,一种是代码治理社会。 目前在现实中没有案例,但是区块链用技术实现了。