in #busy6 years ago
Hello steemians friends, there is a very simple and effective way to stop smoking.



I started smoking because when I tried it, I liked it, but a lot, then I kept smoking for more than 37 years, one, or two, or three boxes a day, and sometimes, if I worked continuously for more than 20 hours, four boxes.

He was one of those smokers who, when I finished a cigarette, started another.

But …

There was a big difference between most smokers and me.

Most, after several years of smoking, start complaining, saying things like:

"I have a lot of cough, oh no, I have to stop smoking."

"This is going to kill me, I have to stop."

"Yes, yes, I'm going to stop."

"This January 1 I will stop smoking."

"Now I'm going to stop."

"I'm not capable, I do not have enough willpower."

"I have tried it."

Well, the truth is that this majority will never stop smoking completely, and if they do, after a while they start again, and so the vicious cycle continues (I have a brother who stopped for 9 years and started again).

Contrary to most, in my case I used to say (always):

"Why am I going to complain if I like smoking so much? I'm going to enjoy it 100%

But, I added the following condition:

"The day my body tells me it's time to stop smoking, I'll do it, and I'll enjoy the rest of my life 100% the pleasure of NOT smoking, that is, in the same way I enjoyed smoking every year. "

So I could really enjoy the pleasure of smoking without going against him psychologically, that is, without making excuses, without condemning myself for being so stupid as to deliberately and consciously kill me just to get that satisfaction from nicotine (very good! for me).

That attitude freed me, I believe, from misery, but it also freed me from the subconscious slavery to tobacco, or nicotine.

Well, one day, while recovering after having suffered a series of ACVs in 2012 and 2013, I felt that my body was telling me:

"Ok, now it's time to stop smoking, I do not feel well, in fact, I feel very bad."

I replied:

"Ah, right, well, that was the arrangement, right? We have enjoyed smoking for 37 years, and you remember what we had agreed, well, now let's enjoy together the fact of NOT smoking for the next 37 years, of the same way, 100%. What do you think? "

And my body answered yes, it seemed like a good idea, and it was.

That was more than 5 years ago, and I never smoked another cigarette, I went from 3 boxes a day to zero boxes a day, without any problem or difficulty.

Come, in my estimation, stopping smoking has nothing to do with willpower, or with trying to stop, no, it is simply a decision, or rather an agreement (internal and previous) made between one's conscience and your own body

But, in order to ensure that the agreement is fulfilled in the future without any effort, one must keep in mind, or repeat each time you light a cigarette, something like:

"Mmmm, how tasty, I like it very much, it makes me feel very good, I'm going to take advantage of it 100% since the day my body tells me it's time to stop, well, I'll stop and I'll never have the opportunity to smoke another Once, then, it is better that I enjoy it today, it is more, it does not make sense not to enjoy it knowing in advance that at some point I will not smoke anymore, better that I enjoy it, when it's time to stop, I know, we know, body and I are going to enjoy NO smoking at 100% just like I am enjoying smoking this cigarette at this moment 100%, that's right, that's how it will be. "

In other words …

If my body today only enjoys smoking 50% --- for grief, doubts, for feeling guilty, etc. --- Well, when it's time to quit smoking, my body will also just enjoy not smoking 50% since my body is psychologically preprogrammed in that way, and it will be very difficult to stop.

You have to program it 100%, not 50%.

That's the idea.

It has nothing to do with willpower.

Do you want to stop smoking?

Treat him like this. Works.