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RE: What gives me energy on the steem blockchain?

in #busy6 years ago

I love the interaction. It is super addictive for me as well. I also comment constantly and leave long comments. I keep seeing my bandwidth going down and I get scared. I am somewhat new here so I dont fully understand exactly how the bandwith works, buy it does always go back up in the end. I do look at reputation but not in the way that you mentioned. I try avoid the whales. Not because I don't like them. Just because I seem to find a lot more interesting writing from average people. Now, I'm not saying that none of the whales write interesting content. I am just saying that I see way more original content from Rep 60 and below. A big portion of the whales just talk about steem, crypto, bots, and contests. I have read enough of that already. I love the ability to create that steemit has to offer so I tend to seek out creativity a lot. I still need to get discord figured out so I can get in on the action. Getting exposure on here is tough and I'm not one of those who feels comfortable spamming for it.


The bandwith is related with how many steem you have. The more steem you have the more bandwith will be available for you!
For sure in the beginning this can be a real pain in the ass! Can remember these days very well. Writing a great comment and not being able to post it due to bandwith problems!
A genuine comment could never be considered as spam! I had a discussion with on of the wintered steemains and explained that I didn't comment on each of his post because I did consider this spamming him. He did assured that a genuine comment is one of the greatest signs of appreciation an author can receive!
Probably there will also be whales or Orcas around who do post about the niches you are interested in, but it is hard to find on the blockchain.
The best way to do this, is to do as follows:
Suppose you are interested into music, than use the following url:
This will bring you to the trending page of music. Let's assume you only want the new posts, than you change the trending in the url into "created". So that it becomes:
The music can be replaced by any possible word: for instance sport. So let's take a look at the hot posts about sport, therefor we do need the following url:
This way you will discover some great steemians who do pot about your niches!

Nice. Thanks for the great reply. So I just need to build more steem to get my bandwidth up. I am going to try the URL thing. I usually just use the check boxes. I have also had good luck by looking who other like minded people follow. I hate the trending page. That's what I did in the beginning and most of it is garbage. In the beginning this made me feel like steemit was garbage until I searched a little deeper to find good content. Its here but I just had to dig through all of the trash for it. Hopefully in the future people like us, who bring value, will dominate the trending page.