Don't just live; let your life count

in #busy7 years ago (edited)

Life on this side of eternity is undeniably short and transient. It is rightly likened to a vapour. Regardless of how healthy or wealthy we may be today, our existence on earth had an expiry date, and every day that padded by brings that final day closet than ever.
Fortunately, despite its shortness, life still offers us ample opportunity to decide what we make of the brief time allotted to us. In other words, while we may not be able to do Much about the ultimate length of our life, we can certainly do a lot about its depth. We can maximize and make it count so much that, long after our physical sojourn is over, our laudable labours, legacies and laurels will continue to live on, blessing, stirring and challenging multitudes of lives that will come after us!
To let your life count then is to make it positively productive, exceptionally enriching and immortally influential. It is to spend everyday of it for something that will outlast it.
The saying that "life is not how long we live but how well we live" is so true. A life well spent is long enough irrespective of the number of years if is blessed with.
Photo source: pixabay

There are records of many men and women who lived for so long, and that's all we know about them- their age, not their achievements; their names, not their noble deeds. Their titles, not their triumphs. Yet there are few who seems not to be blessed with longevity of life but who's impact and influence are written indelibly upon the hearts of generations of men.
Consider the lives of Methuselah and Moses. All we know Methuselah for is that he was the oldest man that ever lived. He lived for 969 years. But of what benefit is that to anyone? That his name appear in the bible is merely for the sake of history and genealogy. Think about Moses who lived for just 120 years yet has numerous pages in the bible and other delightful books describing his extraordinary life as well as his unforgettably footprints in the nation of israel and the kingdom of God.
Photo source: @estherekanem
You also have a choice to make about your fleeting stat on earth. Incidentally, whether you know it or not, you are actually making a choice, writing your own life's story on daily basis. But life is too short to let its course be determined by chance or fate. You must consciously determine to make it count to those around you and to make it count to all those who cone across you from day to day.

It must be pointed out through that a life that will truly count must be one with definite purpose, clear-cut vision, selfless drive and upright intentions-all of which can only be found in God who made it.
God has not created you for nothing. He has a definite goal in mind. Seek this goal, fond and live it. You cannot afford to be a mere statistical reference in the history of your family, church, community, school or generation. You must choose to be an asset.
Photo source: Google

Don't just exist; make your existence justifiable..
Don't just live; let your life count!


What you're going is very important. People will remember your deeds.

So do something that make a positive change in your life as well as in your society. Thank you @estherekanem for sharing this! Hope you will find my posts interesting as I found yours!