“Keep on loving one another as brothers and sisters. Do not forget to show hospitality to strangers, for by so doing some people have shown hospitality to angels without knowing it.”
Hebrew 13vs 1-2
To be Kind is to be humbled, to be caring, to be strong, affectionate etc.
Kindness goes beyond mere words as it is an “act”.
The world would truly be a better place if each and every one of us learns to show a simple act of kindness in everywhere we find ourselves.

You don’t need to be told to show a simple act of kindness before you show them this is because the reward for kindness is numerous even when you don’t think it on your mind; the reward for kindness is overwhelming…
Do you know it is just simple to show kindness? By this I mean, it cost you nothing to show kindness.
So many people are out there whose lives need the favor of kindness; you just need to identify with them. It is not difficult to find one.
Many experiences about kindness have shown me lot about life. To tell little about how it pays to be kind must surely be completed with my wonderful experience sometimes ago in the city of Lagos.
I boarded a bus to Ikeja which is the capital of the mentioned city, I met a pregnant woman in the bus who immediately greeted me with a warmly smile as soon as I took my sit into the bus, though it wasn’t early hours of the day, precisely by 05:00 pm. The bus was actually slow due to the stop and pick of passengers from different bus stop.
Ikeja wasn’t that far to have taken the time it took us to arrive the popularly computer village. I discovered lately this quiet pregnant woman uncomfortable in the bus, she could barely smile nor sigh from the lovely jokes given by the rough conductor. I decided to summon some courage just to ask what could be bothering her, on the other note, I realized pregnancy alone could make her pissed up. “Madam, are you alright? I asked.” She gave me the same smile I received earlier on just to wave away my concern, but I noticed more, she wasn’t alright.
Little we headed, I asked, are you ok? She couldn’t bear it but to tell me her problem, she noticed my kind gesture. “The sit is not comfortable for me, the bumps are directly hitting me due to the line I am sitting.” I quickly called the driver’s attention to slow down the vehicle which he did, I told her to gently come to my sit and I took that of hers. Few minutes my waist explained to me what this woman had been passing through, I couldn’t bear the pain alone and can’t actually remember when I whispered into the woman’s ear, madam I’m sorry she repeated the smile but this time she uttered some words back, I should be thanking you.
We arrived Ikeja, everybody took to their various destination, I had gone little far before I remembered the woman, I wondered where and how she could be going to her direction as night was fast covering. I turned back and came back to the spot, I had finished looking from both directions and saw nobody, I decided to go on my way, I took some few steps and I heard somebody calling, Sir! Sir! I turned towards the direction, behold she was sitting on a half broken covet, I quickly ran to the place, asking what’s wrong madam? Her first words was, thank you for coming back, she continued, my legs couldn’t carry me so I had to sit and wait for it’s convenient time it will release me, I turned on my phone torch light and discovered her swollen legs.
She had already called her husband who was coming by the way but she needed to cross about two streets to meet the husband’s stopping point, I lifted her up and gently crossed the two streets, there she saw her husband waiting in a white beautiful range rover sport car. The man couldn’t stop thanking me same to the wife, he collected my phone number and asked me where I was heading to, actually that was my first time visiting Lagos, I knew nobody but I had decided to come and look for greener pasture, having searched for Job since my graduation over four years. I told him I was just searching for a nearby church to sleep. He asked me, don’t you have someone to stay with? I couldn’t open up, so I had to lie, my friend asked me to come the following day. But he thanked me and left.
Two days later, my phone rang and I picked up, it was him again, how are you faring? Have you found your friend? No, I told him the truth he felt so sorry for me and promised to do something about it. Today I’m happily working just because I couldn’t see a pregnant woman go through some pains.
Kindness pays a lot, I hope we find time in our life to be kind to people we know and to those we don’t know.

kindness is very important in life
Yes it is, kindness brings hope...
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