Why do we help people?

in #busy6 years ago

images.jpgHello,steemians...Hope you are wedownload.jpgll...images.jpgThe importance of helping the danger people

Humanitarian service to human beings and help people in distress. Such great and glorious deeds are best worshiped. The need for help, sympathy and sympathy for the helpless people in the misery. It is also necessary to acquire the qualities of human welfare and humanity and moral with prayers, fasting and fasting. Allah has declared in the Holy Qur'an, "There is no virtue in turning your face towards the East and the west, but it is the virtue that if one believes in Allah, the Hereafter, the angels, all the scriptures and the prophets, and in the love of God, relatives, orphans, poor people, tourists , Help the candidates and to pay for the release of slaves, establishment of prayer and paying zakat and fulfilling it with promise, Crisis, grief-fight-crisis klese and the patient. These are those who are true and those are the righteous' (Surah Al-Baqarah, Ayat: 177).

Crumbling bone-biting cold and dense fog, people need helplessness for helpless poor people to avoid the cold wave in public life. To avoid the outbreak of winter sickness, government or privately-effective enterprises in need of treatment and medicines and winter in need, need to be protected. Especially if children suffer from cold-related diseases due to lack of adequate measures for their treatment, the winters of winter will increase as well, and the rate of winter death will also increase. Therefore, regardless of religion and caste, society's wealthy and wealthy people should stand beside the cold-drawn people. The Prophet (peace be upon him) said about the reward of food and clothing in the future: 'If one Muslim gives clothes to another Muslim, Allah will give him the clothes of Paradise. If he is hungry, then Allah will give him delicious fruit of Paradise. When a Muslim drinks water while thirsty, Allah will drink the holy water from the jars seized by Paradise (Abu Daud).

Through the various types of natural disasters, including the cold wave, Allah has tested the conviction of the faith of the devout people, who see that those who are afflicted for helpless people, who extend their support and cooperation. Allah has declared in the Holy Qur'an, "I have made it a thing that is on the earth, and it is for the people to test that which is best in their deeds" (Surah al-Kahf, verse: 7).

Besides, the Prophet (peace be upon him) also said to help the helpless people, 'Whoever removes a problem in the world of a believer, Allah will remove his afflictions on the Day of Resurrection. And whoever comforts a needy person, Allah will enrich him in this world and the Hereafter, and Allah will help the servant if that slave helps his brother '(Muslim).

Every year, in the remote areas of the country, the intensity of cold, destitute, destitute, fragile, poor, distressed children, old people, men and women, suffer from severe intensity. So if the businessmen wish they can distribute the tropics among the helpless poor and distressed people of their respective districts. The Hadith narrates, 'The person who has given food to man on earth for the sake of Allah, will be given food on that Day (on the Day of Resurrection). Whoever has made man drink water to please Allah, drinking him that day, his thirst will be removed. The person who gave clothes to her will wear clothes on that day and her shame will be curtailed. '


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