How closely are your objects listening to you?

in #busy5 years ago

I'll never forget something that happened a couple of months ago.

I was feeling particularly tired and I said to myself wow I better get to bed.

I have laid in bed I softly said I think I forgot to set the alarm.

Alexa unit which was about 15 feet away whisper quietly... Alarm for what time?

I have not used a wake word. Nothing that I had said was remotely like Alexa.

I think it was about a month ago that I sent to a friend as we had a couple of drinks that I was thinking of getting Disney plus.

that same night the Disney plus icon appeared in my smart TVs list. Was it a coincidence? I don't know. I'm supposed to add the apps they are not supposed to suddenly appear.

I think most of us have heard of various examples like this.

Of course everyone knows if you type in a word or phrase you'll start seeing that show up in different ads.

whatever you are searching for will suddenly be something that you are essentially inundated with even if it's something that you are way over already.

So how closely are objects really listen to us?

I can't tell you for sure but it is definitely an interesting world.


Yep it really is funny how that works. Ive had that experience with the kind of car I want, whenever I find a new one that I like Ill see it at least once a week after I find it.